In Week #8 by Saturday March 6, Midnight EST., you will submit a short paper covering context and marketing tool analysis. This milestone creates your base of knowledge to understand the situation and the business challenges under which the firm operates. This is important because it drives the subsequent activities, milestones, and the final project. You will need to explore the industry, market, category, and product offering looking at key firms, and products in both the firms and competitors’ product lines. In this milestone you will also be covering Strengths and Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats faced by the firm and identify its core competencies. You may also utilize other tools (PESTLE, BCG, PLC) that are most pertinent to addressing your company’s problem statement. For the company you have chosen, write a short paper that identifies and analyzes at least four strengths and four+ weaknesses. Continue your paper by identifying and explaining three to five core competencies for the company you have chosen. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone One Rubric.
Context (Industry, Market, Category, Key Competitors, key product lines) 10 points
Marketing Tool Analysis (SWOT, PESTLE, BCG, Other) 15 points
Grammar 5 points
Total 30 points
Milestone One Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: Your submission should be 3-4 pages in length as a guide, you can go over (excluding title page, tables or
spreadsheets, and reference list) with double spacing, 12-point Arial font, and one-inch margins. Use APA formatting for references and citations.
Critical Elements
Exemplary (100%)
Proficient (90%)
Needs Improvement (70%)
Not Evident (0%)
Context: Understanding Industry/Category/Product
Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates particularly keen insight into the industry size, growth, key competitors, top performing brands, products and understands they key customer groups and targets.
Has a good overview of the market dynamics and position. Has a good understanding of the nature of competition and key customer groups
Has some of the key market dynamics but lacking the detail in exploration. Cursory exploration of competition and competitive product. Key products of the firm are not fully explored.
Does not provide a proper overview of the industry, firms products and nature of competition.
Analysis using Marketing Tools (SWOT/PESTLE/BCG/OTHER)
Identify core competencies of firm
Meets “Proficient” criteria and application of marketing and management analytics to branding and other business decisions is particularly insightful and in-depth. Understands and articulates the competencies of the firm to help guide strategy
Has a good utilization of key tools and justifies their usage. Identifies the situation analysis and highlights opportunities and strategies for the company to pursue. Tools are adequately populated.
Analyzes the firm’s position using the marketing analytical tools but response is cursory, omits critical features, contains inaccuracies, or support is not relevant. More detail is required.
Does not use the key tools to assess the firm’s situation and does not highlight the company’s core competencies.
Grammar and Flow
Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is presented in a professional and easy-to-read
Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization
Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of
main ideas
Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas
Earned Total