1 Copyright © 2017 Patrick McKeownSCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN BREATHING TECHNIQUE TO IMPROVE PERFORMANCE Oxygen Advantage® 1–Hour Workout Instructor Script All exercises in this workout are performed breathing with the nose only. The mouth should be kept gently closed throughout. Benefits of Workout: • Delays the onset of fatigue and lactic acid • Improves aerobic performance • Improves VO2 max (maximal oxygen uptake) • Improves delivery of oxygen to organs and working muscles • Reduces breathlessness during physical exercise • Helps prevent exercise induced asthma • Helps maintain fitness during rest or injury • Helps maintain focus and concentration • Highlights the importance of alignment and relaxation Important: The Oxygen Advantage® Workout is perfectly safe for the vast majority of people, however it does include some powerful exercises similar to performing high-intensity interval training. Just as high-intensity exercise is suited only to those with reasonably good health and fitness, those with any medical issues should perform the workout only with the consent of your medical practitioner. Certain exercises, such as strong breath holds, should only be carried out if you have a minimum BOLT score of 20. Whilst some exercises are challenging they should never feel stressful. Elements of this workout are not suitable if you are pregnant.
2 Copyright © 2017 Patrick McKeownOverview: 1.Warm up with many small breath holds (2.5 minutes) 2.Breathe Light - hands on chest and tummy (2.5 minutes) 3.Preparation for simulation of altitude training(5 reps) 4.Simulation of altitude training (5 minutes) 5.Breathe Light - walking (5 minutes) 6.Breathe Light - walking, jogging/fast walking (5 minutes) 7.Slow squats (10 reps) 8.Push ups (10 reps)9.Childs’ Pose (2 minutes) 10.Shark Fit (5 minutes) 11.Breathe Light Advanced (5 minutes) 12.Take home message (2 minutes) Advice on how to achieve optimal breathing in everyday life: mouth closed during the day, mouth closed during sleep, mouth closed during physical exercise. Pay attention toyour breathing at different times throughout the day. Aim to spend one hour daily softening your breath, quietening your breath and feeling tolerable air hunger. Let’s get started!