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Mcgraw hill connect anatomy and physiology answer key

15/10/2021 Client: muhammad11 Deadline: 2 Day

KENNETH S. SALADIN Georgia College

Digital Authors

CHRISTINA A. GAN Highline Community College

HEATHER N. CUSHMAN Tacoma Community College

ANATOMY PHYSIOLOGY The Unity of Form and Function

Eighth Edition

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Published by McGraw-Hill Education, 2 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121. Copyright © 2018 by McGraw- Hill Education. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Previous editions © 2015, 2012, and 2010. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education, including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning.

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ISBN 978-1-259-27772-6 MHID 1-259-27772-0

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All credits appearing on page or at the end of the book are considered to be an extension of the copyright page.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Saladin, Kenneth S., author. | Gan, Christina A., author. | Cushman, Heather N., author. Title: Anatomy & physiology : the unity of form and function / Kenneth S. Saladin, Georgia College & State University ; digital authors, Christian A. Gan, Highline Community College, Heather N. Cushman, Tacoma Community College. Other titles: Anatomy and physiology Description: Eighth edition. | New York, NY : McGraw-Hill Education, [2018]

Includes index. Identifiers: LCCN 2016033675 | ISBN 9781259277726 (alk. paper) Subjects: LCSH: Human physiology—Textbooks. | Human anatomy—Textbooks. Classification: LCC QP34.5 .S23 2018 | DDC 612—dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2016033675

The Internet addresses listed in the text were accurate at the time of publication. The inclusion of a website does not indicate an endorsement by the authors or McGraw-Hill Education, and McGraw-Hill Education does not guarantee the accuracy of the information presented at these sites. mheducation.com/highered

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About the Authors iv


1 Major Themes of Anatomy and Physiology 1

ATLAS A General Orientation to Human Anatomy 27

2 The Chemistry of Life 41 3 Cellular Form and Function 75 4 Genetics and Cellular Function 111 5 Histology 139


6 The Integumentary System 175 7 Bone Tissue 201 8 The Skeletal System 228 9 Joints 273 10 The Muscular System 307 ATLAS B Regional and Surface

Anatomy 373 11 Muscular Tissue 395


12 Nervous Tissue 431 13 The Spinal Cord, Spinal Nerves, and

Somatic Reflexes 471 14 The Brain and Cranial Nerves 504 15 The Autonomic Nervous System and

Visceral Reflexes 554 16 Sense Organs 575 17 The Endocrine System 626


18 The Circulatory System: Blood 669 19 The Circulatory System: Heart 705 20 The Circulatory System: Blood Vessels and

Circulation 741 21 The Lymphatic and Immune Systems 800


22 The Respiratory System 845 23 The Urinary System 886 24 Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid–Base

Balance 921 25 The Digestive System 944 26 Nutrition and Metabolism 991


27 The Male Reproductive System 1025 28 The Female Reproductive System 1055 29 Human Development and Aging 1093

APPENDIX A: Periodic Table of the Elements A-1

APPENDIX B: Answer Keys A-2

APPENDIX C: Symbols, Weights, and Measures A-15

APPENDIX D: Biomedical Abbreviations A-18

APPENDIX E: The Genetic Code A-19

APPENDIX F: Lexicon of Biomedical Word Elements A-20

APPENDIX G: Eighth Edition Changes in Terminology A-24

Glossary G-1

Index I-1


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KENNETH S. SALADIN has taught since 1977 at Georgia College in Milledgeville, Georgia. He earned a B.S. in zoology at Michigan State University and a Ph.D. in parasitology at Florida State University, with interests especially in the sensory ecology of freshwater invertebrates. In addition to human anatomy and physiology, his teaching experience includes histology, parasitology, animal behavior, sociobiology, introductory biology, general zoology, biological etymology, and study abroad in the Galápagos Islands. Ken has been recognized as “most significant undergraduate men- tor” nine times over the years by outstanding students inducted into Phi Kappa Phi. He received the university’s Excellence in Research and Publication Award for the first edition of this book, and was named Distinguished Professor in 2001.

Ken is a member of the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society, the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, American Physiological Society, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He served as a developmental reviewer and wrote supplements for several other McGraw-Hill anatomy and physiology textbooks for a number of years before becoming a textbook writer.

Ken’s outside interests include the Galápagos Conservancy, and he has endowed student schol- arships, the natural history museum, and a faculty chair at his university. Ken is married to Diane Saladin, a registered nurse. They have two adult children.

CHRISTINA A. GAN, digital coauthor for Connect®, has been teaching anatomy and physiol- ogy, microbiology, and general biology at Highline Community College in Des Moines, Washington, since 2004. Before that, she taught at Rogue Community College in Medford, Oregon, for 6 years. She earned her M.A. in biology from Humboldt State University, researching the genetic variation of mitochondrial DNA in various salmonid species, and is a member of the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society. When she is not in the classroom or developing digital media, she is climbing, mountaineering, skiing, kayaking, sailing, cycling, and mountain biking throughout the Pacific Northwest.

HEATHER N. CUSHMAN, digital coauthor for Connect®, teaches anatomy and physiology at Tacoma Community College in Tacoma, Washington, and is a member of the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society. She received her Ph.D. in neuroscience from the University of Minnesota in 2002, and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Vollum Institute at Oregon Health & Science University in Portland, Oregon, where she studied sensory transduction and the cellular and molec- ular mechanisms of muscle pain. She currently resides in Tacoma, Washington, and enjoys climbing, camping, and hiking with her husband Ken and their daughter Annika.


© JC Penney Portraits/Lifetouch Portrait Studios, Inc.

© Tim Vacula

© Chris Gan/Yuen Lui Studios

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Ken Saladin’s first step into authoring was a 318-page paper on the ecology of hydras written for his tenth-grade biology class. With his “first book,” featuring 53 original India ink drawings and photomicrographs, a true storyteller was born.

Ken in 1964

When I first became a textbook writer, I found myself bringing the same

enjoyment of writing and illustrating to this book that I first discovered

when I was 15.

—Ken Saladin

Ken’s “first book,” Hydra Ecology, 1965 Courtesy of Ken Saladin

One of Ken’s drawings from Hydra Ecology Courtesy of Ken Saladin

Ken began working on his first book for McGraw-Hill in 1993, and in 1997 the first edition of The Unity of Form and Function was published. In 2017, the story continues with the eighth edition of Ken’s best-selling A&P textbook.

The first edition (1997)

The story continues (2017)

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Peer review is a critical part of the scien- tific process, and very important to ensure the content in this book continues to meet the needs of the instructors and students who use it. We are grateful for the people who agree to participate in this process and thank them for their time, talents, and feed- back. The reviewers of this text have con- tributed significant comments that help us refine and update the print and digital components of this program.

Mervan Agovic City University of New York

Rita Bagwe GBC, Pahrump

Neda Baniasadi North Shore Community College

Joan Barber Delaware Technical Community College

Jennifer Biederman Winona State University

Carol Britson University of Mississippi

Susan Capasso St. Vincent’s College

Kwan Christenson Georgia College

Joseph Comber Villanova University

Suzanne Cooke UNH Manchester

Andrew Corless Vincennes University

Rupa De Purdue University

Elizabeth Dunphy Gateway Community College

Chelsea Edward Cleveland Community College

Lori Garrett Parkland College

Melissa Glenn SUNY Broome

Donna Harman Lubbock Christian University

Clare Hays Metropolitan State University of Denver

Jana Herron Chattanooga State Community College

Austin Hicks University of Alabama

Roxann Isch-Clifton SWOSU at Sayre

Pamela Jackson Piedmont Technical College

Paula Johnson New River Community and Technical College

Jacqueline Jordan Clayton State University

Karen Kelly Milligan College

Shadi Kilani Houston Community College

Nathaniel M. King Palm Beach State College

Jeff Kingsbury Arizona State University

Brian H. Kipp Grand Valley State University

Shelley Kirkpatrick Saint Francis University

Theresa Kong William Rainey Harper College

Mary Katherine Lockwood University of New Hampshire

Kerrie McDaniel Western Kentucky University

Melinda Melton McNeese State University

Melanie Meyer Community College of Vermont

Kathy Monroe Blue Ridge Community and Technical College

David Moore Harrisburg Area Community College

Mina Moussavi University of Central Missouri

Ellen Ott-Reeves Blinn College Bryan

Andrew Petto UW Milwaukee

James Roush WKCTC

Stephen R. Peterson Delgado Community College

Richard Pirkle Tennessee Tech University

Jackie Reynolds Richland College

Crista Royal Toccoa Falls College

Frantz Sainvil Broward College

Colin Scanes UWM

Carl Shuster Madison College

Scott Simerlein Purdue University North Central

Gehan Soliman FTCC

Sherry Stewart Navarro College

Leticia Vega Barry University

Cuc Vu St. Catherine University

Stephanie Wallace Texas Christian University

Katy Wallis State College of Florida

Janice Webster Ivy Tech Community College

John Whitlock Mount Aloysius College

Harvey Wiener Manchester Community College

Sonya J. Williams Oklahoma City Community College

Cindy Wingert Cedarville University

Theopholieus Worrell Delgado Community College

Robin Wright Houston Community College

Xiaobo Yu Kean University (Union, NJ)

David Zimmer Trocaire College

Jeff Zuiderveen Columbus State University

Board of Advisors Cheryl Christensen Palm Beach State College

Lisa Conley Milwaukee Area Tech

Thomas Kalluvila Bryant and Stratton College

AJ Petto University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

Jason Pienaar University of Alabama Tuscaloosa

Frantz Sainvil Broward College Central

Colin Scanes University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

Carl Shuster Madison College

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Saladin’s text is written using plain language for A&P students who may be taking this course early in their curricula. Students say the enlightening analogies, clinical applications, historical notes, biographical vignettes, and evolutionary insights make the book not merely informative, but a pleasure to read.

INNOVATIVE CHAPTER SEQUENCING Some chapters and topics are presented in a sequence that is more instructive than the conventional order.

Early Presentation of Heredity

Fundamental principles of heredity are presented in the last few pages of chapter 4 rather than at the back of the book to better integrate molecular and Mendelian genetics. This organization also prepares students to learn about such genetic traits and conditions as cystic fibrosis, color blindness, blood types, hemophilia, cancer genes, and sickle-cell disease by first teaching them about dominant and recessive alleles, genotype and phenotype, and sex linkage.

Muscle Anatomy and Physiology Follow Skeleton and Joints

The functional morphology of the skeleton, joints, and muscles is treated in three consecutive chapters, 8 through 10, so when students learn muscle attachments, these come only two chapters after the names of the relevant bone features. When they learn muscle actions, it is in the first chapter after learning the terms for the joint movements. This order brings another advantage: the physiology of muscle and nerve cells is treated in two consecutive chapters (11 and 12), which are thus closely integrated in their treatment of synapses, neurotransmitters, and membrane electrophysiology.

Urinary System Presented Close to Circulatory and Respiratory Systems

Most textbooks place this system near the end of the book because of its anatomical and developmental relationships with the reproductive system. However, its physiological ties to the circulatory and respiratory systems are much more important. Except for a necessary digression on lymphatics and immunity, the circulatory system is followed almost immediately with the respiratory and urinary systems, which regulate blood composition and whose functional mechanisms rely on recently covered principles of blood flow and capillary exchange.


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LEARNING TOOLS Engaging Chapter Layouts • Chapters are structured around the way students learn. • Frequent subheadings and expected learning outcomes help

students plan their study time and review strategies.

Deeper Insights highlight areas of interest and career relevance for students.

Chapter Outlines provide quick previews of the content.

Each numbered section begins with Expected Learning Outcomes to help focus the reader’s attention on the larger concepts and make the course outcome-driven. This also assists instructors in structuring their courses around expected learning outcomes.

Each chapter begins with Brushing Up to emphasize the interrelatedness of concepts, and serves as an aid for instructors when teaching chapters out of order.

Tiered Assessments Based on Key Learning Outcomes • Chapters are divided into easily manageable

chunks, which help students budget study time effectively.

• Section-ending questions allow students to check their understanding before moving on.

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Questions in figure legends and Apply What You Know items prompt students to think more deeply about the implications and applications of what they have learned. This helps students practice higher order thinking skills throughout the chapter.

The end-of-chapter Study Guide offers several methods for assessment that are useful to both students and instructors.

Assess Your Learning Outcomes provides students a study outline for review, and addresses the needs of instructors whose colleges require outcome-oriented syllabi and assessment of student achievement of the expected learning outcomes.

End-of-chapter questions build on all levels of Bloom’s taxonomy in sections to

    1. assess learning outcomes 2. test simple recall and analytical thought 3. build medical vocabulary 4. apply the basic knowledge to new clinical

problems and other situations

What's Wrong with These Statements questions further address Bloom’s taxonomy by asking the student to explain why the false statements are untrue.

Testing Your Comprehension questions address Bloom’s Taxonomy in going beyond recall to application of ideas.

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Vivid Illustrations

Rich textures and shading and bold, bright colors bring structures to life.

Muscle Tables

Muscle tables organize information and integrate stunning visuals to help students learn. They also serve as a great student reference for study.

The visual appeal of nature is immense- ly important in motivating one to study it. We certainly see this at work in human anatomy—in the countless stu- dents who describe themselves as visual learners, in the many laypeople who find anatomy atlases so intriguing, and in the enormous popularity of Body Worlds and similar exhibitions of human anatomy.

—Ken Saladin

ARTWORK THAT INSPIRES LEARNING The incredible art program in this textbook sets the standard in A&P. The stunning portfolio of art and photos was created with the aid of art focus groups, and with feedback from hundreds of accuracy reviews.

Conducive to Learning • Easy-to-understand process figures • Tools for students to easily orient themselves

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Orientation Tools

Saladin art integrates tools to help students quickly orient themselves within a figure and make connections between ideas.

CSF is secreted by choroid plexus in each lateral ventricle.

Arachnoid villus

Choroid plexus

Third ventricle

Cerebral aqueduct

Lateral aperture

Fourth ventricle

Median aperture

Central canal of spinal cord

Subarachnoid space of spinal cord

Subarachnoid space Dura mater

Arachnoid mater

Superior sagittal sinus

CSF flows through interventricular foramina into third ventricle.

Choroid plexus in third ventricle adds more CSF.

CSF flows down cerebral aqueduct to fourth ventricle.

Choroid plexus in fourth ventricle adds more CSF.

CSF flows out two lateral apertures and one median aperture.

CSF fills subarachnoid space and bathes external surfaces of brain and spinal cord.

At arachnoid villi, CSF is reabsorbed into venous blood of dural venous sinuses.

















Process Figures

Saladin breaks complicated physiological processes into numbered steps for a manageable introduction to difficult concepts.

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New Scientific Content Saladin’s Anatomy & Physiology, eighth edition, has about 85 updates in scientific content, keeping abreast of new literature and new interpretations of old assumptions, including: • New guidelines on cholesterol and trans fats (chapter 2) • New skin-grafting method (chapter 6) • New coverage of the genetics and evolution of lactose intolerance (chapter 25) • New federal guidelines for recommended dietary intakes (chapter 26) • Updates on papillomavirus, genital warts, and cervical cancer (chapter 27)

For a complete list, please visit www.mcgrawhillconnect.com.

New Photographs This edition contains many new photographs, including: • Figure 1.10: new brain scans • Figure 7.20: osteoporosis with kyphosis • Figure 19.22: coronary artery disease • Figure 20.1: vascular cast of thyroid gland capillary beds • Figure 29.7: embryonic and fetal developmental stages

For a complete list, please visit www.mcgrawhillconnect.com.

New Pedagogy • In each chapter Study Guide, where students were previously prompted to distinguish between five true and five false

statements, they are now prompted to analyze the fallacies of 10 false statements. • This edition deletes 21 increasingly obsolete eponymous terms that are no longer recommended by the

Terminologia Anatomica or Gray’s Anatomy (such as Skene glands, Howship lacunae, Auerbach plexus, Hassall corpuscles, and organ of Corti) and replaces them with the standard English terms for easier student comprehension and retention.

• The explanation of units of chemical concentration is moved from chapter 2 to appendix C.

Enhanced Concepts Saladin’s Anatomy & Physiology, eighth edition, also updates and enhances about 25 more major physiological concepts in response to user feedback, including: • Chapter 3: leak and gated channels • Chapter 4: functions of intron DNA, small regulatory RNAs, and cell-cycle regulators • Chapter 11: the lactate threshold • Chapter 12: the vasomotor role of astrocytes, serial and parallel processing in neural circuits, long-term depression

and forgetting • Chapter 14: the role of orexins in the sleep–wake cycle, Bell palsy • Chapter 16: tactile functions of lingual papillae, function of oblique muscles of the eye • Chapter 17: stimuli inducing secretion of individual hormones, photoperiod and pineal gland function • Chapter 18: ABO blood types in hemolytic disease of the newborn, lymphocyte selection in the thymus • Chapter 20: sympathetic effects on coronary arteries • Chapter 21: precipitation versus agglutination in antibody action • Chapter 25: membrane transport of dietary triglycerides, blood circulation of the colon • Chapter 26: fuller coverage of hepatitis, fuller coverage of core versus shell body temperature • Chapter 27: structure and function of the male prepuce


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• Chapter 28: history of mastectomy approaches, leptin and adiposity in relation to menarche, endometriosis • Chapter 29: telomere repair and cancer

Enhanced Artwork This edition contains many pieces of enhanced artwork, including: • Figure 3.15: mechanism of osmosis • Figure 3.28: structure of the cell nucleus • Figure 11.6: organization and size principle of motor units • Figure 14.13: functions of the five cerebral lobes • Figure 15.2: somatic versus autonomic outflow pathways • Figure 19.7: cross-sectional shapes and relationships of heart ventricles • Figure 20.4: schematic of blood distribution in rest and exercise • Figure 25.18: positive feedback control of gastric secretion • Figure 25.31: pathways of nutrient digestion and assimilation • Figure 26.12: environmental temperatures versus core and shell body temperatures

For a complete list, please visit www.mcgrawhillconnect.com.

Enhanced Data-Driven Revision Thousands of students have interacted with this textbook via McGraw-Hill Education’s adaptive reading experience, SmartBook®. Data about these interactions are collected over time and visually displayed in a heat map. Heat maps direct the author’s attention to areas where students are struggling. The author then evaluates the questions and associated text content to determine if revisions are needed to more clearly ask the question or clarify explanations. Heat maps can also confirm areas that the text is successful in aiding students’ comprehension. This edition was revised using heat map data to clarify explanations, and to enhance the SmartBook® experience for all students.

New Digital Enhancements Faculty now have the ability to assign select LearnSmart® questions in Connect®. The question bank in Connect® has select probes from SmartBook® available for you to assign on assignments or quizzes as you see fit.

The 8th edition provides SmartBook® sub-section assignability. SmartBook® assignments now go beyond section level to give instructors a more granular level of content.

Four new Concept Overview Interactive animations give exploration and engagement on key concepts: Innate Immunity; Adap- tive Immunity; Blood Pressure; Endocrine System, in addition to the existing Glomerular Filtration and Its Regulation; Tubular Reab- sorption and Tubular Secretion; Neuron Physiology; Passive and Active Processes of Membrane Transport; Skeletal Muscle Contraction; Changes Associated with a Cardiac Cycle; and The Movement of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide. This brings the total Concept Overview Interactive animations to 11. They can be used in class, as a study tool, and are assignable in modules with associ- ated questions. The animations were recently converted to html for mobile compatibility.

Anatomy and Physiology REVEALED® 3.2 cadaver dissection simulator is available with Connect® Anatomy & Physiology. Now in html for mobile compatibility, with customizable anatomical structure list, version 3.2 offers 50 new animations, and 7 added physi- ology interactives.

Enhanced focus on encouraging critical thinking. Connect® question banks now have 30% or more questions at Bloom’s level 3 (apply) or higher.

SmartBook® includes additional Learning Resources – McGraw-Hill Education, using student usage data, determined the most difficult concepts for students. Additional study tools (tutorial videos, narrated slides, interactive activities) are now available for those difficult concepts in SmartBook®, just when the student needs it!

Assignable Connect® orientation videos available in the question bank can be assigned to help students get acquainted with Connect® and best practices for use.

Assignable APR, Ph.I.L.S, diagnostic prep exams, model questions and more! Course-wide A&P content gives a much larger pool of assignable content so instructors can easily tailor the course to their needs.

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McGraw-Hill Connect® Learn Without Limits Connect is a teaching and learning platform that is proven to deliver better results for students and instructors.

Connect empowers students by continually adapting to deliver precisely what they need, when they need it, and how they need it, so your class time is more engaging and effective.


Connect Insight® Connect Insight is Connect’s new one-of-a-kind visual analytics dashboard—now available for both instructors and students—that provides at-a- glance information regarding student performance, which is immediately actionable. By presenting assignment, assessment, and topical performance results together with a time metric that is easily visible for aggregate or individual results, Connect Insight gives the user the ability to take a just-in-time approach to teaching and learning, which was never before available. Connect Insight presents data that empowers students and helps instructors improve class performance in a way that is efficient and effective.

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