ENG 380: Reader Response Time: 30 Minutes Mexican Whiteboy Reader Response: Prompt: What role does race or c lass play in M exican Whiteboy? Discuss how one character from the novel grapples with race or class throughout the novel. What new understandings does the character arrive at in connection to race or class by the end of the novel? Cite specific examples from the text. Length: One Paragraph Save your Reader Response to your Google Folder: Last Name, First Name Mexican Whiteboy RR. Reader Response Rubric Points Earned Points Possible Evidence of Reading From the reader response, it is clear that the student read and understood the material in its entirety. 1 Analysis of Text Throughout the reader response, the student analyzes the question through clear textual examples supported by original analysis of ideas. The analysis is thorough, rigorous, and thoughtful. 3 Spelling, Grammar, and Mechanics Student carefully proofread their work before submitting. 1 Total Score: 5 Comments: MEXICAN WHITEBOY MATT DE LA PEÑA MEXICAN WHITEBOY SUPERSUMMARY 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS PLOT OVERVIEW 3 CHAPTER SUMMARIES AND ANALYSES 5 Chapters 1-3 Chapters 4-6 Chapters 7-9 Chapters 10-13 Chapters 14-17 Chapters 18-20 Chapters 21-23 Chapters 24-27 Chapters 28-30 5 9 14 17 21 25 29 33 37 CHARACTER ANALYSIS 42 Danny Lopez Uno Senior Sofia Lopez Wendy Lopez Liberty Javier Lopez Ray Lopez The Mexican Scout Kyle Sorenson Uncle Tommy 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 45 45 46 46 THEMES 47 SYMBOLS AND MOTIFS 50 COPYRIGHT 2018 MEXICAN WHITEBOY SUPERSUMMARY 2 IMPORTANT QUOTES 55 ESSAY TOPICS 64 COPYRIGHT 2018 MEXICAN WHITEBOY SUPERSUMMARY 3 PLOT OVERVIEW Danny Lopez arrives in National City, a suburb just south of San Diego. The area’s proximity to the border makes it heavily Hispanic. Danny has come to spend the summer with his father’s family while his mother and sister are in San Francisco with his mother’s new boyfriend. From the start, it’s clear Danny does not fit in. He is from a beach community in northern San Diego County,where he plays baseball and attends Leucadia Prep, an elite private school. When he arrives wearing surf-style clothing and Vans, he feels out of place and is self-conscious. Furthermore, he is sixteen, lanky and struggling to find his identity in the absence of his father. Further complicating Danny’s feelings of abandonment is his sense that because of his mixed heritage—he is half Mexican and half white—he does not belong anywhere. He wants desperately, or at least he thinks he does, to fit into his dad’s big Mexican family. They accept, love and even admire Danny, but he sees his whiteness and relative privilege as obstacles that keep him separate from being a real part of the family.