I'm working on a writing question and need support to help me learn.
Write a short history (5 page MINIMUM excluding sources) (NOT your opinion although you should, of course, write the paper from your point of view) of the sharing of music via the internet, discussing the impact of such companies as Napster, YouTube, Spotify, iTunes, and etc. What are some of the legal issues involved? How has technology impacted the music business in the last ten years? Remember, this IS a research project! Again, you MUST cite your sources and if you do NOT, you will lose 30 points before any grading begins.
If you have questions or problems, let me know and I'll do anything I can to help you.
* you should have a title/cover page
* you should have 4-6 sources
* your paper should be more than just a biography, you should be able to support WHY you are writing this paper.