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Mis programming languages

28/12/2020 Client: saad24vbs Deadline: 7 Days

Information Technology / Programming Languages

Programming Languages for MIS: Concepts and Practice supplies a synopsis of the major computer programming languages, including C++, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, VB.NET, C#.NET, ASP.NET, PHP (with MySQL), XML (with XSLT, DTD, and XML Schema), and SQL. Ideal for undergraduate students in IS and IT programs, this textbook and its previous versions have been used in the authors’ classes for the past 15 years.

Focused on web application development, the book considers client-side computing, server-side computing, and database applications. It emphasizes programming techniques, including structured programming, object-oriented programming, client-side programming, server-side programming, and graphical user interface.

• Introduces the basics of computer languages along with the key characteristics of all procedural computer languages

• Covers C++ and the fundamental concepts of the two programming paradigms: function-oriented and object-oriented

• Considers HTML, JavaScript, and CSS for web page development

• Presents VB.NET for graphical user interface development

• Introduces PHP, a popular open source programming language, and explains the use of the MySQL database in PHP

• Discusses XML and its companion languages, including XSTL, DTD, and XML Schema

With this book, students learn the concepts shared by all computer languages as well as the unique features of each language. This self-contained text includes exercise questions, project requirements, report formats, and operational manuals of programming environments. A test bank and answers to exercise questions are also available upon qualified course adoption.

This book supplies professors with the opportunity to structure a course consisting of two distinct modules: the teaching module and the project module. The teaching module supplies an overview of representative computer languages. The project module provides students with the opportunity to gain hands-on experience with the various computer languages through projects.

ISBN: 978-1-4822-2266-1

9 781482 222661


Programming Languages for MIS Concepts and Practice

H . W

ang S . W


Hai Wang Shouhong Wang

6000 Broken Sound Parkway, NW Suite 300, Boca Raton, FL 33487 711 Third Avenue New York, NY 10017 2 Park Square, Milton Park Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN, UK

an informa business



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K22290 cvr mech.indd 1 12/3/13 10:07 AM

Programming Languages for MIS

Concepts and Practice

Programming Languages for MIS

Concepts and Practice

Hai Wang Shouhong Wang

CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300 Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742

© 2014 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC CRC Press is an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business

No claim to original U.S. Government works Version Date: 20130925

International Standard Book Number-13: 978-1-4822-2267-8 (eBook - PDF)

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Preface xi The auThors xv acknowledgmenTs xvii

chaPTer 1 InTroducTIon 1 1.1 Computers 1 1.2 Computer Programming Languages 1

1.2.1 Role of Computer Programming Language 1 1.2.2 Software Systems 2 1.2.3 Taxonomies of Computer Programming Languages 3

1.3 Computing Architecture in the Internet Environment 4 1.4 Key Characteristics Shared by All Procedural Programming Languages 5

1.4.1 Syntax, Sentence, and Word 5 1.4.2 Variable 5 1.4.3 Arithmetic Operation 6 1.4.4 Execution Sequence 6 1.4.5 If- Then- Else Logic 6 1.4.6 Loop 6 1.4.7 Module 7

chaPTer 2 c++ 9 2.1 Introduction to Function- Oriented and Object- Oriented Programming 9 2.2 A Tour of C Language 9

2.2.1 C and C++ Keyword and User- Defined Word 14 2.2.2 Comment Statements 14 2.2.3 Preprocessor 14 2.2.4 Namespace 14 2.2.5 Structure of a C Program, Functions, and Arguments 15 2.2.6 Statements and Semicolon 16 2.2.7 Data Type 16 2.2.8 Arithmetic Operations 16 2.2.9 for- Loop 17

vi Contents

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2.2.10 printf() Statement with Conversion Specifier 18 2.2.11 if- Statement 18 2.2.12 String and String Processing 20

2.3 Functional Approach 20 2.3.1 Functional Decomposition 20 2.3.2 A Simple Example of User- Defined Function 21 2.3.3 Declaration of User- Defined Function 22 2.3.4 Calling- Function and Called- Function 22 2.3.5 Structure Diagram 23 2.3.6 An Example of Two Functions 23 2.3.7 An Example of Multiple Functions 25

2.4 Object- Oriented Approach 29 2.4.1 Object and Class 29 2.4.2 Descriptions of Class 31 2.4.3 public and private Statements 32 2.4.4 Constructor 32 2.4.5 Use of Class—Declare Object and Message Sending 32

2.5 Design of Objected- Oriented Program 35 2.6 Connection between Classes—An Example with Two Classes 39 2.7 An Example of Inheritance 43 2.8 Identify Class 48 2.9 Debugging 48 Appendix 2.1: Commonly Used C and C++ Keywords 52 C and C++ Keywords 52 C++ Only Keywords 52

chaPTer 3 hTml, JavascrIPT, and css 53 3.1 Introduction to the Internet 53 3.2 Creating Web Pages Using HTML 54 3.3 Simple Container Tags 55

3.3.1 <HTML> 55 3.3.2 <HEAD> and <TITLE> 55 3.3.3 <BODY> 55 3.3.4 Comments <!-- ... --> 55 3.3.5 Headings <H1> <H2> ... <H6> 56 3.3.6 <P> 56 3.3.7 <I> 56 3.3.8 <TABLE>, <TH>, <TR>, and <TD> 56 3.3.9 <A> 56 3.3.10 <CENTER> 56

3.4 Empty Tags 56 3.4.1 <HR> 56 3.4.2 <BR> 56 3.4.3 <IMG> 57

3.5 Complex Container Tags 59 3.5.1 <FORM> 59 Attribute ACTION 59 Attribute METHOD 60 <INPUT> and Its Attributes TYPE, NAME, SIZE, and

VALUE 60 3.5.2 FRAME and FRAMESET 60

3.6 Publish Web Page 61


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3.7 Introduction to JavaScript 61 3.8 Image Manipulation 62

3.8.1 Object Classes and Their Methods and Attributes 63 3.8.2 Event Handler 64

3.9 FORM Input Data Verification 64 3.9.1 Comparison of JavaScript with C and C++ 66 3.9.2 Function and Calling a Function 67 3.9.3 String Processing 68 3.9.4 if- Statement 68 3.9.5 alert- Statement 69

3.10 FORM Data Calculation 69 3.11 Cookies 71 3.12 Miscellaneous JavaScript Statements 74

3.12.1 new Statement 74 3.12.2 Miscellaneous Functions and Methods 74

3.13 Cascading Style Sheet 74 3.13.1 Inline CSS 75 3.13.2 Internal CSS 76 3.13.3 External CSS 79

3.14 Debugging Source Code of Web Pages 80 Appendix 3.1: List of HTML Commonly Used Tags 85 Appendix 3.2: JavaScript Reserved Words and Other Keywords 86 JavaScript Reserved Words 86

chaPTer 4 vB.neT 87 4.1 Graphical User Interface 87 4.2 Microsoft Visual Studio and VB.NET Environment 87 4.3 Event Driven 90 4.4 Example of a Single Form 93 4.5 Multiple Forms 96

4.5.1 Design Forms 96 4.5.2 Module 98 4.5.3 Class 99 4.5.4 Coding 100

4.6 Programming with VB.NET 106 4.6.1 General Format of Code, Comments, and Keywords 106 4.6.2 Class and Object 108 4.6.3 Methods 108 4.6.4 Constant Variables 109 4.6.5 Data Types 109 4.6.6 Arithmetic Operations 109 4.6.7 If- Then- Else Statement 110 4.6.8 For- loop 110 4.6.9 String Processing and Format Statement 110 4.6.10 Print Document 110 4.6.11 Message Box 111

4.7 Debugging 111

chaPTer 5 c#.neT 115 5.1 Microsoft Visual Studio and C# Programming Environment 115 5.2 C# Program Structure 117 5.3 Run a C# Console Application Program 117 5.4 C# Syntax 118

viii Contents

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5.4.1 Arrays and foreach loop 119 5.4.2 Command Line Arguments 120 5.4.3 Functions 121

5.5 Examples of Console Application 123 5.6 Windows Forms Application 127 5.7 Examples of Windows Forms Application 130 5.8 Debugging 138

chaPTer 6 asP.neT 145 6.1 Introduction to ASP.NET 145 6.2 ASP.NET with VB.NET 146

6.2.1 Structure of ASP.NET Program 147 6.2.2 HTML Controls Versus ASP.NET Web Controls 149 6.2.3 HTML Controls 149 Submit Button 150 Textbox 150 Checkbox 151 Radio Button 152 Select 153

6.2.4 Web Controls 154 6.2.5 Validation Controls 156 6.2.6 The Code- Behind Programming Framework 157 6.2.7 Server- Side File Processing 159 6.2.8 Accessory Features 162 Sending E- mail Message 162 Calendar 163 Redirect Method 164 Security 166

6.2.9 Web Application Design 168 6.2.10 ADO.NET—Server- Side Database Processing 172 Database Connection and SQL in ASP.NET 173 Search Database 175 Update Database 177 Use Data of Database for Decision 177

6.3 ASP.NET with C#.NET 179 6.3.1 C# Programming with ASP.NET Web Controls 179 6.3.2 Code- Behind Programming 184 6.3.3 Server- Side File Processing 185 6.3.4 <asp:SqlDataSource> Control for Database Processing 192

6.4 Debugging 195

chaPTer 7 PhP 201 7.1 Introduction to PHP and PHP Development Environment 201 7.2 Format of PHP Program 202 7.3 Structure of PHP Program 205 7.4 Activate PHP in Web Page and Process Form Data on Server 206 7.5 Programming in PHP 207

7.5.1 PHP Functions 207 7.5.2 if- Statement 209 7.5.3 Read Data File from Server 209 7.5.4 fopen() and fclose() 210


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7.5.5 feof() and fgets() 211 7.5.6 while- loop 211 7.5.7 Write Data File to Server and fputs() 211

7.6 Relay Data through Multiple Dynamic Web Pages Using Hidden Fields 212 7.7 Example of Web Application Design 215 7.8 PHP and MySQL Database 219

7.8.1 Set MySQL Database 219 7.8.2 Create and Delete Table in PHP Using SQL 221 7.8.3 Insert Data to Table 222 7.8.4 Access Database 222 7.8.5 Search Database 224 7.8.6 Use ODBC Connection 225

7.9 Debugging 225

chaPTer 8 Xml 229 8.1 Introduction to XML 229

8.1.1 HTML Documents Are Difficult to Process 229 8.1.2 Databases Need Common Data Format to Exchange Data 230

8.2 XML Documents Are Data Sheets 231 8.2.1 XML Instance Documents 231 8.2.2 Declaration 232 8.2.3 Tags and Element 232 8.2.4 Attribute 232 8.2.5 Comment Line and Editorial Style 233

8.3 Cascading Style Sheets 233 8.4 Extensible Style Language 234

8.4.1 <xsl:stylesheet> 235 8.4.2 <xsl:template> 235 8.4.3 HTML Presentation 235 8.4.4 <xsl:value- of> 235 8.4.5 Empty Tag 236 8.4.6 <xsl:for- each> 236

8.5 XML Data Tree 236 8.6 CSS Versus XSLT 237 8.7 Document Type Definition and Validation 239

8.7.1 Simple Example of Internal DTD 240 8.7.2 Simple Example of External DTD 240 8.7.3 <!DOCTYPE> 241 8.7.4 <!ELEMENT> 241 8.7.5 <!ATTLIST> 242 8.7.6 <!ENTITY> 242

8.8 XML Schema 242 8.8.1 Schema Element 243 8.8.2 Data Element, Attribute, and Data Type 244 8.8.3 complexType 244 8.8.4 sequence 244 8.8.5 Cardinality 244 8.8.6 Attribute 244 8.8.7 XML Validation 244

8.9 Summary of Application of XML 245 8.10 An Example of XML Application 246

x Contents

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8.11 Advanced Subjects of XML 251 8.11.1 Conversion of Relational Database into XML Tree 251 8.11.2 xlink and xsl:if 254 xlink 259 <xsl:if> 260

8.12 XHTML 260 8.13 XBRL 262

8.13.1 Comparison of XBRL with XML 262 8.13.2 Taxonomy 263 8.13.3 Prepare XBRL- Based Reports 263

chaPTer 9 sQl 267 9.1 Introduction to SQL 267 9.2 CREATE and DROP 267 9.3 INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE 268 9.4 Query—SELECT 269 9.5 WHERE Clause and Comparison 271 9.6 ORDER BY Clause 272 9.7 Aggregate Functions 273 9.8 GROUP BY Clause and HAVING Clause 273 9.9 Joining Tables 274 9.10 Subquery 275

9.10.1 Subquery—Reducing Computational Workload of Join Operation 275 9.10.2 Subquery as an Alternative to GROUP BY 277 9.10.3 Subquery—Determining an Uncertain Criterion 277

9.11 Tactics for Writing Queries 278 9.12 SQL Embedded in Host Computer Programming Languages 278

xi© 2010 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC


There have been critical discussions on the management information systems (MIS) curriculum design during the last several years. The most notable trend in the MIS cur- riculum renewal movement is to develop more new MIS courses to meet the needs of the job market of MIS graduates. The needs of the job market have considerable implications for the design of MIS courses to educate the next generation of MIS professionals. MIS students must acquire the fundamental theories of MIS as well as the essential practical skills of computer applications to develop the lifelong learning ability in information technology. Technical skills should focus more on problem solv- ing and practical applications. Regardless of changes in the MIS curricula over the past years to meet the requirements of the job market, as well as the requirements of accreditation organizations such as AACSB and ABET, programming remains a core requirement in most MIS programs.

In the modern service-oriented age, development and maintenance of web-based applications still rely heavily on applications of computer languages regardless of the advances of a variety of software packages. To meet the challenges of the ever chang- ing information technologies, educators need to offer courses in important program- ming languages for their MIS majors. On the other hand, MIS majors cannot afford to learn multiple computer languages on the one-language/one-course basis. The key to the solution to this problem is to make a pedagogical paradigm shift and to develop courses in multiple computer languages.

Few guidelines for MIS courses of computer programming can be found in the literature or on the Internet. The selection of computer languages for programming courses is a crucial task for the pedagogy design. The design components of such courses are based on four considerations. First, the selected computer languages must be representative and should cover essential concepts and features of all kinds of com- puter languages that are used in business organizations. Second, the selected computer

xii PrefaCe

© 2010 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

languages must be commonly used in the industry. Third, the selected computer lan- guages should not require additional computing resources in the ordinary computing labs of the MIS programs. Fourth, the scope and the workload for MIS students to learn these computer languages should be manageable.

Considering these factors, we selected the following computer programming lan- guages for this book: C++, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, VB.NET, C#.NET, ASP.NET, PHP (with MySQL), XML (with XSLT, DTD, and XML Schema), and SQL. Java is a full-scale computer programming language and has been widely used in the industry. This book does not include Java because it requires the Java platform and installation of the Java computing environment on computers with the Windows platform, which could be demanding. In addition, .NET and Java, the two major computer language platforms, share a great similarity of language characteristics. The interested reader who wants to learn Java is referred to our book Programming Languages for Business Problem Solving, published by Taylor & Francis, 2007 (ISBN 1-4200-6264-6), for its chapter on Java.

Due to time constraints, it is impossible for students to learn all these languages in great detail. Nevertheless, students are expected to have general knowledge of com- monly used computer languages and to be able to develop basic skills of program- ming. Our methodology applied to the programming courses is to learn languages through typical examples. Specifically, we teach typical problems of MIS applications and their solutions through the use of these computer languages.

A course that uses this book usually consists of two distinct modules: the teaching module and the project module. The teaching module provides an overview of rep- resentative computer languages. The project module provides an opportunity for stu- dents to practice the computer languages involving hands-on projects. The interested instructor is referred to our pedagogical research papers for the relevant discussions on teaching and learning multiple computer languages in a single course: “An Approach to Teaching Multiple Computer Languages,” Journal of Information Systems Education, 12(4), 2002, 201–211; and “Design and Delivery of Multiple Server-Side Computer Languages Course,” Journal of Information Systems Education, 22(2), 2011, 159–168.

The book includes an introduction and eight chapters. The introduction discusses basics of computer languages and the key characteristics of all procedural computer languages. Chapter 2 introduces C++ and explains the fundamental concepts of the two programming paradigms: function oriented and object oriented. Chapter 3 includes HTML, JavaScript, and CSS for web page development. Chapter 4 intro- duces VB.NET for graphical user interface development. Chapter 5 introduces C#.NET, which is similar to Java. Chapter 6 explains ASP.NET, an important server- side programming language for the Windows platform. ASP.NET incorporates VB.NET, C#.NET, and ADO.NET. Chapter 7 introduces PHP, a popular open source programming language, and explains the use of the MySQL database in PHP. Chapter 8 discusses XML and its companion languages, including XSTL, DTD, and


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XML Schema. Finally, Chapter 9 discusses SQL, which is a part of application of server-side programming for database processing.

MIS students will be able to use the concepts and practices in this book as the start- ing point in their journey to become successful information technology professionals.

Shouhong Wang, PhD University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth

Hai Wang, PhD Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

xv© 2010 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

The Authors

Hai Wang is an associate professor at the Sobey School of Business at Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. He received his BSc in computer science from the University of New Brunswick, and his MSc and PhD in computer science from the University of Toronto. He has published more than 50 research articles in the areas of MIS, big data, data mining, database management, knowledge management, and e-business. His research has continuously been funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada in the past years.

Shouhong Wang is a professor at University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth. He received his PhD in information systems from McMaster University. He has over 30 years’ experience of higher education in the MIS field. He has published more than 100 research papers in academic journals and several books on the subject of MIS.

xvii© 2010 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC


Windows, Notepad, WordPad, Windows Explorer, Internet Explorer, Visual Basic, Excel, Access, VB.NET, C#, ASP.NET, Visual Studio.NET, and SQL Server are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

Mozilla Firefox is copyrighted by Mozilla Corporation and Mozilla Foundation.

MySQL, Java, and JavaScript are trademarks of Oracle Corporation.

PHP is copyrighted by the PHP Group.

Apache is copyrighted by The Apache Software Foundation.

EasyPHP is copyrighted by EasyPHP and distributed under the general public license.

CSS and XML are trademarks of World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Notepad++ is distributed as free software under the GNU general public license.

Dev-C++ is a free integrated development environment developed by Bloodshed Software and distributed under the GNU general public license.

1© 2010 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

1 IntroductIon

1.1 Computers

A computer is a general purpose machine that can be programmed to carry out com- putation and data processing operations. Since programs can be readily changed by humans through programming, the computer can solve a variety of problems. A com- puter has a central processing unit (CPU), which interprets and executes programs, and primary memory, which stores programs and data. The components of a computer system also include secondary memory, input device, and output device, as shown in Figure 1.1. An input device converts human signals and data into the signals that can be processed by the CPU. The keyboard and mouse are examples of input devices. An output device converts the signals from the CPU into a form understandable to a human. The monitor and printer are examples of output devices. A device, such as the touch screen or network communication device, can be both an input and output device. Similar to a primary memory, a secondary memory can also be used to store programs and data. There are two main differences between primary memory and second memory. First, primary memory is volatile in nature, while secondary memory is nonvolatile. The programs and data that are stored in the primary memory cannot be retained when the power is turned off. A secondary memory can retain the stored programs and data even if the power is turned off. Second, it is much faster for the CPU to access programs and data in the primary memory than in the second memory. The programs or data stored in the secondary memory are read in batches into the primary memory before they are used by the CPU.

1.2 Computer Programming Languages

1.2.1 Role of Computer Programming Language

A computer programming language is an artificial language designed to communicate instructions to a computer. Programming languages are used to create programs that control a computer to perform the tasks as designed. The tasks a computer can carry out include:

• Manipulating data and information • Reading data from and/ or writing data to the secondary memory or other

input/ output devices • Presenting data for a human through the user–computer interface

2 Programming Languages for mis

© 2010 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

There are many computer programming languages. Each computer programming language has its syntax. There is no single computer programming language that can fit all types of applications.

1.2.2 Software Systems

The software systems in a computer are structured in layers, as illustrated in Figure 1.2. As shown in the figure, application software is built by the software developer using high- level programming languages that programmers can easily understand and use. However, the programs in high- level programming languages cannot be executed by the computer unless the programs are translated into the machine executable code (i.e., specific strings of binary digits). To translate a program in a high- level pro- gramming language into the machine executable code, a special program, called the compiler or interpreter for that high- level language, must be applied, as shown in Figure 1.3. Once a program in a high- level programming language is translated into the machine- executable code, it can be used an infinite number of times.

Application Software (e.g., ERP system)

High-Level Languages

Assembly Language


Development Tools

Operating System

Figure 1.2 The role of computer programming language.


Central Processing Unit (CPU)

Primary Memory

Output Device

Secondary Memory

Input Device

Figure 1.1 A computer system.


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If a program in a high- level programming language has a syntax error, the transla- tion will fail and machine- executable code will not be generated. On the other hand, a program without a syntax error could have a logical error, or semantic error, and the final execution result could be incorrect. To ensure that a program is executed cor- rectly, the computer programmer must do the following three tasks.

1. Understand the application to be developed. 2. Design the program for the application. 3. Debug to fix all syntax errors as well as logical errors.

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