There are many ways to misrepresent data through visualizations of data. There are a variety of websites that exist solely to put these types of graphics on display, to discredit otherwise somewhat credible sources. Leo (2019), an employee of The Economist, wrote an article about the mistakes found within the magazine she works for. Misrepresentations were the topic of Sosulski (2016) in her blog. This is discussed in the course textbook, as well (Kirk, 2016, p. 305).
After reading through these references use the data attached to this forum to create two visualizations in R depicting the same information. In one, create a subtle misrepresentation of the data. In the other remove the misrepresentation. Add static images of the two visualizations to your post. Provide your interpretations of each visualization along with the programming code you used to create the plots. Do not attach anything to the forum: insert images as shown and enter the programming code in your post.
When adding images to the discussion board, use the insert image icon.

This is the data to use for this post: Country_Data.csv
Before plotting, you must subset, group, or summarize this data into a much smaller set of points. Include your programming code for all programming work.
Kirk, A. (2016). Data visualisation: A handbook for data driven design. Sage.
Leo, S. (2019, May 27). Mistakes, we've drawn a few: Learning from our errors in data visualization. The Economist.
Sosulski, K. (2016, January). Top 5 visualization errors [Blog].
Considerations for every forum:
Remember your initial post on the main topic must be posted by Wednesday 11:59 PM (EST). Your 2 following posts, discussing and interacting peers' posts must be completed by Sunday at 11:59 PM (EST).
Your initial post should include your references, thoroughly present your ideas, and provide evidence to support those ideas. A quality peer response post is more than stating, “I agree with you.” State why you agree with your classmate’s post. Use the purpose of the forum is generate discussion.