Write a character analysis based on ONE of the following six films:
· Philadelphia (1993)
· Barbershop (2002)
· The Village (2004)
· The Color Purple (1985)
· Amélie (2001)
· My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002)
Answer the following questions about the characters in your narrative. Please concentrate on analyzing the character(s), rather than reiterating the plot line.
1. Describe the specific assumptions or beliefs the characters have in the beginning of the film. Why do they hold these assumptions/beliefs?
2. What do they learn about other people or about the world that challenges their long held beliefs? Describe an incident (or series of incidents) that causes a revelation to the character(s).
3. How do the goals or desires of the ch
aracters change by the end of the film?
4. In your view, describe the learning/reflective concept from the course readings that best represents the developmental process of a major character.
5. Which character in the film did you most identify with (in terms of how his/her attitude or assumptions changed)? Why?
ORGL 3050. Korthagen & Vasalos. Self-Transformation through Core Qualities
Putting the feedback loop together with your own Degree Plan and larger goals in the onion model, we can use Korthagen and Vasalos’ conceptual framework to reflect on specific “core qualities” that you would like to develop within yourself. This idea of self-transformation and cultivating new qualities and new knowledge for yourself is going to be a key aspect of the last Reflective Seminar you will do, ORGL 4000, and the Capstone course, ORGL 4690.
From: Korthagen, Fred A.J., & Vasalos, Angelo (2010). Going to the core: Deepening reflection by connecting the person to the profession (Chapter 27, in Nona Lyons (Ed.) Handbook of Reflection and Reflective Inquiry. New York: Springer.)
Don’t worry if you don’t feel like you have a full understanding of all of these conceptual models at this time, the idea is to give you a sense of the big picture. As you progress through the Discussions and Assignment Tools, you will gain a deeper understanding of the various models. You will find there are specific models that actually work better for the different Reflective Seminars, and for the Capstone.
Photo of Fred A.J. Korthagen taken from: http://www.aera.net/About-AERA/Fellows/2015-AERA-Fellows Photo of Angelo Vasalos taken from: http://absolutewakefulness.com/about-angelo