Write a 700-word essay on your favorite TV show. In this essay, you should explain why the show is your favorite, citing specific examples, and you should reference 2-3 outside reviews to support your argument.
1 Writing Assignment #2 Opinion Essay DUE 11/15/17 – Hardcopy or attached to an email before the start of class Write a 700-word essay on your favorite TV show. In this essay, you should explain why the show is your favorite, citing specific examples, and you should reference 2-3 outside reviews to support your argument. Introduction Give an overview of the show and why it’s your favorite. • What is your favorite show? • What kind of show is it? (drama, comedy, police procedural, news, reality, game show) • What is the show about? o Imagine explaining it to someone who has never seen it. o Keep in mind you’re trying to persuade the reader to watch the show. • What shows is it similar to? o How is it better than those shows? o How might the other shows be better? • Who is the intended audience? • Has the show won any awards? • Why is it your favorite? The answer to this question is likely your thesis. “NCIS is the best show on television because...” 3 or 4 Reasons This is where you tell the reader why a show is your favorite. Give each reason its own paragraph, and explain your reasons in detail. • Do you have a favorite character/host? o Describe the character. o Why are they your favorite? o Give examples from the show of the character demonstrating the traits you like. o Is the character in any memorable scenes? Iconic moments? • Do you have a favorite actor? o Why are they your favorite? o What is their strength as an actor? Comedy? Drama? Intensity? o Give examples of times the actor performed well. • Do you like the setting? o What is it? Western? Contemporary? Science fiction future? o How is the setting established? Sets and props? Special effects? o Why does this setting appeal to you? o How does the setting affect things like the plot and theme? • Do you like the plot? o Is it a fast-paced thriller, keeping you on the edge of your seat? o Is it a slow-paced drama, slowly building throughout each episode? o Comedy of errors? How do the comedic points build up toward the climax? 2 • Do you like the premise? o Is the show about spies, spaceships, cops, or some other topic you find interesting? o Why do you find it interesting? o How does the show treat this subject? o Why is this treatment of the subject better than other shows and movies that have the same subject? Flaws Tell the reader where the show falls short. Even things we love aren’t perfect. Spend a paragraph explaining how the show has messed up.