My Sister's Keeper Trailer
Write a 3-4 page paper answering:
What do you see as the ethical dilemma?
Choose one of the movie characters and explain how the perspective of your character agrees or disagrees with your personal perspective. Document which character you chose.
Imagine that you are the parent of a child with an aggressive form of leukemia. Would you consider pre-implementation genetic selection?
Identify one or two moral principles involved in the ethical dilemma and explain how it would influence your decision making.
Identify aspects of the ANA (nursing) Code of Ethics to determine level of provide guidance in decision making.You will first watch "My Sister's Keeper" movie trailer.
My Sister's Keeper Trailer
Then write a 3-4 page paper answering:
What do you see as the ethical dilemma?
Choose one of the movie characters and explain how the perspective of your character agrees or disagrees with your personal perspective. Document which character you chose.
Imagine that you are the parent of a child with an aggressive form of leukemia. Would you consider pre-implementation genetic selection?
Identify one or two moral principles involved in the ethical dilemma and explain how it would influence your decision making.
Identify aspects of the ANA: Code of Ethics to determine level of provide guidance in decision making.
You need to use at least 3 evidence-based references for this assignment:
Your textbook and 2 journal articles that are no more than 3-5 years old.
APA format must be followed: (Sample APA in the Read me first module)
Cover Page
Running head
Abstract with Key Words.
Times New Roman 12 pt.
In-text citations
Review your tools for APA to be sure not to lose APA points.
All areas of assignment must be addressed.