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for Business Statistics
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MyStatLab, Pearson’s online homework, tutorial, and assessment program, creates personalized experiences for students and provides powerful tools for instructors. With a wealth of tested and proven resources, each course can be tailored to fit your specific needs. Talk to your Pearson representative about ways to integrate MyStatLab into your course for the best results.
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Learning in any Environment • Because classroom formats and student needs continually change and evolve,
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• With a new, streamlined, mobile- friendly design, students and instructors can access courses from most mobile devices to work on exercises and review completed assignments.
Career Readiness Preparing students for careers is a priority. Now with the Open in Excel functionality in homework problems, students can open data sets directly in Excel and gain experience with the tools they will use in their careers.
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Bring Statistics to Life Use the StatCrunch Twitter app to analyze trending topics in real time. Easily load tweets using screen names or keywords to construct an interactive word wall.
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StatCrunch Integrated directly into MyStatLab, StatCrunch is powerful, web-based statistical software that allows students to quickly and easily analyze data sets from their text and exercises.
In addition, MyStatLab includes access to www.StatCrunch.com, the full web-based program where users can access tens of thousands of shared data sets, create and conduct online surveys, interact with applets and simulations, and perform complex analyses using the powerful statistical software.
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Business statistics
A Decision-Making Approach
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Business statistics
A Decision-Making Approach
David F. Groebner Boise State University, Professor Emeritus of Production Management
Patrick W. Shannon Boise State University, Professor Emeritus of Supply Chain Management
Phillip C. Fry Boise State University, Professor of Supply Chain Management
t e n t h e d i t i o n
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Director, Portfolio Management: Deirdre Lynch Portfolio Management Assistants: Justin Billing and Jennifer Snyder Content Producer: Kathleen A. Manley Managing Producer: Karen Wernholm Media Producer: Jean Choe Manager, Courseware QA: Mary Durnwald Manager, Content Development: Robert Carroll Product Marketing Manager: Kaylee Carlson Product Marketing Assistant: Jennifer Myers Senior Author Support/Technology Specialist: Joe Vetere Cover and Text Design, Production Coordination, Composition: Cenveo® Publisher Services Illustrations: Laurel Chiapetta and George Nichols Cover Image: Arthimedes/Shutterstock
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Groebner, David F., author. | Shannon, Patrick W., author. | Fry, Phillip C., author. Title: Business statistics : a decision-making approach / David F. Groebner, Boise State University, Professor Emeritus of Production Management, Patrick W. Shannon, Boise State University, Professor Emeritus of Supply Chain Management, Phillip C. Fry, Boise State University, Professor of Supply Chain Management. Description: Tenth edition. | Boston : Pearson, 2016. | Revised edition of Business statistics, 2014. Identifiers: LCCN 2016016744 | ISBN 9780134496498 (hardcover) | ISBN 0134496493 (hardcover) Subjects: LCSH: Commercial statistics. | Statistical decision. Classification: LCC HF1017 .G73 2016 | DDC 519.5–dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2016016744
ISBN-10: 0-13-449649-3 ISBN-13: 978-0-13-449649-8
1 16
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To Jane and my family, who survived the process one more time.
david f. groebner
To Kathy, my wife and best friend; to our children, Jackie and Jason.
patrick w. shannon
To my wonderful family: Susan, Alex, Allie, Candace, and Courtney.