Earth Science Lab #2
The Study of Minerals
*Use upload for pictures
1. Name the physical property (hardness, color, streak, etc.) described by each of the following statements.
Breaks along smooth planes: ___________________________________
Scratches glass: _______________________________________
Shines like metal: __________________________________
Scratching produces a red powder: _____________________________
Looks like broken glass: ______________________________
2. What term is used to describe the shape of a mineral that has three directions of cleavage that intersect at 90-degree angels? _______________________________
3. Describe the cleavage fo the minerals listed below. include the number of directions and degrees of cleavage angles (if appropriate).
Muscovite: _____________________
Calcite: _______________________
Halite: ______________________
Feldspar: _____________________
4. What physical feature most distinguishes biotite mica from muscovite mica? __________________________
5. Name a mineral that exhibits the physical properties listed below. (use the Photos in the upload, if needed)
One direction of cleavage: ________________________
Striations: ________________________
Multiple Colors: __________________
Cubic cleavage: ______________________
Nonmetallic, vitreous luster: ______________________
Fracture: _____________________
Metallic luster: _____________________
6. Figure 1.32 illustrates the common crystal form of the mineral fluorite and the characteristic shape of a cleaved sample of fluorite. Identify each specimen (A or B) next to its appropriate description below.
Cystal form of fluorite: ____________
Cleavage specimen of fluorite: ___________
7. Refer to the photo in Figure 1.33 to complete the following.
a. Describe the crystal form (habit) of this specimen.
b. What term is applied to the lines on this sample?
c. Based on what you can determine from this photo, use the mineral identification key (see figure 1.24) to
identify this mineral.
8. A photo of agate, a variety of quartz composed of microscopically small crystals, is provided in Figure 1.34. Based on this image, describe the habit of this sample.
9. If a mineral can be scratched by a penny but not by a fuman fingernail, what is its hardness on the Mohs scale?
10. What term is used to describe the tenacity of muscovite?
11. Use the mineral identification key (see Figure 1.24) to identify a mineral that is nonmetallic, dark colored, harder than glass, lacks cleavage, and is green in color. _________________________________
12. For each mineral listed below, list at least one diagnostic property.
Halite: ______________________________________
Galena: ______________________________________
Magnetite: _____________________________________
Muscovite: _____________________________________
Hematite: ______________________________________
Fluorite: _______________________________________
Talc: _________________________________________
Graphite: ______________________________________
Calcite: _______________________________________
13. List the two most common rock-forming mineral groups.
14. Providean economic use for each mineral listed below.
Galena: _______________________
Hematite: _____________________
Graphite: ______________________
Sphalerite: _____________________
Gypsum: ______________________
Calcite: _______________________