Our society is becoming more and more disconnected with nature. This assignment is designed to get you back “into” nature! For the assignment, you will be required to spend 1 hour in nature and then write an essay regarding your perceptions of nature and how nature makes you feel. The 1 hour of “nature sitting” should be done without electronics – no i-pods, CD players, game-boys, pinball machines, cell phones, portable DVD players, lap tops, or blackberries! You should be by yourself or with someone that will let you be alone with nature and your thoughts. Pick a place to go outside (that’s where nature is!). Good places include: your backyard, the campus, the beach, a park, in a boat, on a float, riding a goat….. Sorry! Think about the sounds, smells, sights that you encounter. How did they make you feel? For example: My nature memories of Hawk Mountain in Pennsylvania included feeling like I was on top of the world – birds were soaring past me on top of the mountain. That was the closest that I will ever come to having an idea of what it is like to fly like a bird. Did nature trigger any questions?
The essay should consist of at least 750 words and submitted as a .docx or .pdf file. Spelling and grammar will count! The grading Rubric is attached to help guide you!
Essay should be at least 750 words in length.
One hour of Nature observation Described The assignment is to sit in nature for one full hour and then write an essay about it.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEssay Topic is Appropriate
The essay should discuss how nature's impact on the student.