The purpose of this assignment is for you to:
- Develop and write a case study based on one of four mental health disorders
- Complete a Mental Status Exam (MSE)/Mental Status Checklist (textbook version of MSE)
- Complete a narrative summation of the Mental Status Checklist
- Locate various samples of the MSE by completing an internet search
- Review/complete Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI)
- Discuss the importance of assessments in diagnosis and treatment planning
- Discuss the MSE
- Discuss the BDI and BAI
- Discuss the value of using assessments to assist in the evaluation of mental health clients and the many reasons that assessments do not provide enough information to determine the necessary plan of action to assist mental health clients
Part A: Case Study, Mental Status Checklist, Narrative, Sample of MSE, BDI, BAI
- Case Study (Minimum: 150 words): Develop a 150-word case study and describe--in detail--a client who presents to an agency with one of the following mental health issues. Choose one:
- Panic Disorder
- Schizophrenia
- Bi-polar Disorder
- Dual Diagnosis: Major Depression with Alcohol Abuse
Use the definitions/descriptions of the disorders and case study examples found throughout the textbook to assist you in developing/creating your case study. Be sure to give your client an age, name, etc. You must create your own case study. Record word count at the bottom of the case study. (You will attach your case study following the reference page of your paper.)
- Mental Status Checklist: After writing the case study, "conduct" an initial assessment of the case study client by completing the Mental Status Checklist (one version of a Mental Status Exam (MSE) is in your textbook on page 83).
- Narrative (Minimum 200-250 words): Next, using the narrative example in Sands and Gellis (p 81-82) as a guide, write a narrative of the client's Mental Status Checklist results. Your narrative must follow the example on pps. 81-82, and must be based on the information you recorded on the Mental Status Checklist. The combination of these two components becomes your initial clinical assessment. Based on the disorder used in your case study, your mental status checklist results, and the narrative write up of your mental status checklist, use information provided in the textbook to suggest a plan of action to assist your case study client. Provide in-text citations for the material used from the text.(You will attach the narrative following the reference page of your paper.)
- Sample MSE: The next component of this assignment is to search the internet for various examples of a Mental Status Exam (MSE). Choose an example that you can support with evidence provides valuable information that assists HUS professionals complete an MSE. You will be discussing your example in the paper component of the assignment.
- Note: you will find a significant number of MSE examples on the internet. It is suggested that you compare three different examples to make your choice
- BDI and BAI: Next, review the Beck Depression Inventory and Beck Anxiety Scale. Print out a copy of each. The links are found in Module 5. Make sure you include website/link information to indicate where you located the assessments. The web link information may be hand written at the bottom of your BDI and BAI copies.
- As you review each self-administered inventory, consider how the textbook readings and your research has informed you about the use of self assessments in diagnosis and treatment planning. Using your references for support, provide two or three specific reasons why self assessments are beneficial and then discuss two or three limitations of self assessment tools.
- As noted, in Sands & Gellis Chapter 4, there is an example narrative MSE (pps. 81-82) and a Mental Status Checklist (p. 83). As a reminder, print a copy of the Mental Status Checklist and complete it using your case study.
- Prepare these documents for submission
- the completed Mental Status Checklist
- the sample MSE
- the BDI and BAI
- All documents must be submitted as pdf files, separate from your paper. You may choose to create one pdf file in which the documents are ordered as listed.
- After your reference page in your paper that is described below, include your case study and the narrative MSE
- All assignments are submitted to TURNITIN to check for plagiarism.
Part B: Paper
(Minimum 750 words, 3 scholarly references, one must be the textbook)
- Begin with an introduction to the assignment and then proceed with an in-depth, detailed discussion of the importance of using assessments in diagnosis and treatment planning for mental health clients in HUS professional settings.
- Remember, you are using neutral, impersonal language here. You are not using the pronoun "I" in this component, ie, you are not indicating why you think assessments are important. You are explaining the reasons that assessments are important tools for HUS professionals and using evidence from your references to support the reasons.
- Next, explain the merits, in particular, of conducting a MSE. Include the value of completing a narrative MSE.
- Next, provide three reasons you chose the particular MSE you located on the internet. Support your choice with scholarly evidence that your example provides significant and useful information HUS professionals need to gather and understand to appropriately assess the client's mental status.
- In this component of the paper you are allowed to use the pronoun "I" to explain your choice. However, this is the only component of the paper where using a personal pronoun is allowed.
- Next, discuss the reasons that HUS professionals need to comprehensively assess clients in order to properly assist them and may use a variety of assessments in this process. (Please note: You are not allowed to use material from Aaron Beck website to support your information. You must use a scholarly reference(s).)
- In the final component of the paper, provide a detailed explanation of the reasons the MSE/Mental Status Checklist and other assessments are valuable tools but only provide some of the important components of a comprehensive assessment.
- Include a detailed discussion of additional important and necessary information that needs to be collected in order to complete a comprehensive assessment of a client so that a reasoned and supported plan of action can be determined. Specifically discuss the diagnosis used in your case study and elaborate on other information that is needed to properly assess a client with this disorder.
The paper must be formatted using APA 6th ed. guidelines, including title page, running head, abstract, introduction, in-text citations, scholarly references, etc.
Under NO circumstances can websites, blogs, Wikipedia, dictionaries, .edu, or .org sites, etc. be used as references in the paper. You must use the course textbook and other scholarly published books; or scholarly, peer-reviewed articles.
Be fully advised: Students who use websites, blogs, Wikipedia, dictionaries or any other non-scholarly references in the paper component of this assignment will earn a ZERO on this assignment.