ACCT The Nervous System Concept Map & the Organism Cellular Level Worksheet
American Commercial College of Texas
Question Description
I will send you the pages later,
You can’t use any images from google, everything has to be original
This assignment is to create representation of the main learning objective for the unit. Any creative format goes - from writing paragraphs, creating concept maps, e.g. a table and meme, with a descriptive paragraph.
The learning objective this unit is to create a representation of the properties of the nervous system that underlie the ability to sense and respond to the environment at the molecular, cellular, and organism levels. Focus on the concepts in the textbook
Dorsal root ganglia (pp. 318-19)
Sensation and neurons (chemoreception, pp. 256-273)
Membrane potential (pp. 80-83, 157-180, especially 157-162, much should be review from human physiology)
page 280 (lateral lines), and pages 302-308 (other sensory modalities, skipping pages 303, 306 and 307)
Synapses (pp. 176-180)