Financial Statement Analysis, Managerial Accounting Concepts And Principles,
Chapter 17 Financial Statement Analysis
Learning Example Objectives Exercises OB"f
" : EE 17-3 r: /.: : PE 17-38 Current position analysis
The following items are reported on a company,s balance sheet Cash
Temporary investments Accounts receivable (net)
OBJ.3 EE17-4 r: r)
0BJ.2 EE17-4 t, t
OBJ,2 EE 17-s ,., t ,.,
Accounts payable 500,000 Determine (a) the current ratio and (b) the quick ratio. Round to one decimal place.
PE 17-4A Accounts receivable analysis A company repofis the following:
Net sales
Average accounts receivable (net) .l00,000 Determine (a) the accounts receivable turnover and (b) the number of days, sales in re_ceivables. Round to one decimal place.
PE 17-48 Ac(ounts receivable analysis A company reports the following:
Net sales s700,000 Average accounts receivable (net) 50,OOO
Determine (a) the accounts receivable turnover and (b) the number of days, sales in re_ceivables. Round to one decimal place.
s r,600,000
PE 17-5A lnventory analysis A company reports the following:
Cost of goods sold Average inventory
Determine (a) the inventory turnover and (b) the Round to one decimal place.
s880,000 1 10,000
nurnber of days, sales in inventory.
OBJ.2 EE17-S t 7 PE 17-5B lnventory analysis A company repofts the following:
Cost of goods sold Average inventory
Determine (a) the inventory turnover and (b) the Round to one decimal place.
.- =-\
s360,000 50,000
number of days, sales in inventory.
OBJ. A EE 17-6 r, / - PE 17-5A solvency analysis g infonnation was taken from Wheat Company,s balance sheet:
Fixed assets (net)
Long-term liabilities Iotal liabilities
s836,000 380,000
550,000 Total stockholders,equity 500,000
Determine the company's (a) ratio of fixed assets to long-term liabilities and (b) ratio ofliabilities to stockholders, equity.
Chapter 17 Financial Statement Analysis 807
Learning Exomple Objectives Exercises OBJ,3 EE 17-10 r,
oBJ.3 EE 17-10
OBJ.3 EE17-11 r
PE 17-1oA Common stockholders' profitability analysis A company reports the following:
Net income Preferred dividends Average stockholders' equity Average common stockholders' equity
s 210,000 30,000
Determine (a) the rate earned on stockholders' equity and (b) the rate earned on common stockholders' equity. Round to one decimal place.
PE 17-10B Common stockholders' profitability analysis A company reports the following:
Determine (a) the rate earned on stockholders' equity and (b) the rate earned on common stockholders' equity. Round to one decimal place.
Net income Preferred dividends Average stockholders' equity Average common stockholders' equity
Net income Preferred dividends Shares of common stock outstanding Market price per share of common stock
the company's earnings per share on the company's price-earnings ratio.
s 600,000 50,000
s40,000 50,000
51 00
common stock.a. Determine b. Determine
PE 17-114 ings per share and price-earnings reports the following:
oBJ.3 EErT-11, PE 17-1 1B Earnings per share and price-earnings A company reports the following:
Net income Preferred dividends Shares of common stock outstanding Market price per share of common stock
a. Determine the company's earnings per share on b. Determine the company's price-earnings ratio.
ss0,000 120,000
common stock.
OBJ. l y' a.2012 net income: $4,000;0.5o/o of sales
EX 17-1 Vertical analysis of income statement Revenue and expense data for Mandell Technologies Co.
Cost of goods sold
Selling expenses
Administrative expenses Income tax expense
are as follows:
5800,000 504,000
s740,000 407,000 '140,600
48,1 00
Chapter 17 Financial Statement Analysis 815 -illl ex, 17-22 Price-earnings ratio; dividend yield
The table below shows the stock price, earnings per share,
three comPanies as of MaY 2010: and dividends Per share for
Earnings Share
5 1.s7 21.99
:. Earnings Per :'e on common ::. 5i I.BG
Appendix EX17-23 Earnings per share, extraordinary item
The net income reported on the income statement of styx co' was $3,200,000' There
were 250,000 shares of $5 par common stock and 250,000 shares of $1 preferred stock
outstanding throughout th" ir..".t year. The income statement included two extraordinary itemsl a $]00,000 gain ttom condemnation of land and a $350,000
loss arising from flood
damage, both aftel applicable income tax. Detetmine the per-shate tigutes tor CommOn
stock for (a) income betole extraordinafy items and (b) net inconre.
a. Determine the price-earnings ratio and dividend yield for the three companies' Round
to one decimal Place. s,.*Explainthedifferencesintheseratiosacrossthethreecompanies.
5 r00,000x
s 1 20,000"
Appendix EX 17-24 Extraordinary item Assume that the amount of each of the following items is material to the financial state- ments. Classify each item as either normally recurring (NR) or extraordinary (E).
a. Gain on sale of land condemned by the local government for a public works project. b. Uninsured flood loss. (Flood insurance is unavailable because of periodic flooding in
the area.) c. Loss on the disposal of equipment considered to be obsolete because of the develop-
ment of new technology. d. Uncollectible accounts expense. e. Loss on sale of investments in stocks and bonds. f. Uninsured loss on building due to hurricane damage. The building was purchased by
the company in 1!10 and had not previously incurred hurricane damage. g. Interest revenue on notes receivable.
,.-. / nppendix / I eX 1:.-zs /nro-.statement and earnings per share for extraordinary items and discon- kfirefoperations
Eris, Inc., repofis the following for 201.2:
lncome from continuing operations before income tax
Extraordinary property loss from hurricane
Loss from discontinued operatlons
Weighted average number of shares outstanding
Applicable tax rate *Net of any tax effect.
a. Prepare a paftial income statement for Eris, Inc., beginning with income from continu- ing operations before income tax.
b. Calculate the earnings per common share for Eris, Inc., including per-share amounts for unusual items.
Dividends Price Share