11/16/2019 Network Research Project (Week 8 - Final Draft - Graded) - CMIT 265 7983 Fundamentals of Networking (2198) - UMGC Learning Man…
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Assignments Network Research Project (Week 8 - Final Draft - Graded)
Network Research Project (Week 8 - Final Draft - Graded)
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Rubric Name: Network Research Project
Formulate and support introduction on an approved topic
A B C D F / 20
A 20 points
Clearly and precisely summarizes the research project introduction.
Evaluate and explain the approved topic details
A B C D F / 20
CMIT 265 7983 Fundamentals of Networking (2198) BK
You must submit the final draft of this assignment in Week 8 for grading.
You are required to submit the final draft of this assignment to Turnitin.
No draft submission will be accepted in Week 8 for feedback. Submission in Week 8 will receive a final grade for the assignment based on the Network Research Project (NRP) rubric.
11/16/2019 Network Research Project (Week 8 - Final Draft - Graded) - CMIT 265 7983 Fundamentals of Networking (2198) - UMGC Learning Man…
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A 20 points
Presents a logical explanation for findings and addresses most of the details.
Create written communications appropriate to the audience, purpose, and context.
A B C D F / 15
A 15 points
Tailors communication to purpose, context, and target audience. Clearly articulates the thesis and
purpose, and supports the thesis and purpose with authentic and appropriate evidence. Provides
smooth transitions and leaves no awkward gaps from point to point. Shows coherent progress from the