Assignment Five This chapter seven and chapter eight is worth 12 total points (chapter seven worth 8 points and chapter eight is worth 4) and will be counted as in class points bringing the total available after this assignment to 50 points. There are 5 points left to be earned for in class points that will be done either in the classroom (when virus precautions are off or continued here on blackboard). Chapter Seven Directions: After reading the chapter and watching the powerpoint presentation complete the following: A. Go to glassdoor business case for diversity found at and read the article on the Business Case for Diversity and answer the following two questions: 1. Provide three facts that support the business case for diversity. 2. Why are these business case facts necessary when getting Diversity & Inclusion (D & I) support in organizations? B. Utilizing the textbook, answer the following questions: 1. From the text explain the Inclusion Equation Macro Element #1, Values Driven culture by Dell and Microsoft. 2. What are three of the nine tips provided on pages 212-214, that you could utilize to improve your D & I leadership skills? 3. Inclusion Equation Macro Element #2 at the systemic level explains the following (a-d) mentoring, sponsorship, diversity councils and employee network groups. State how they would help break down the structure inequalities brought forth in chapter six as it relates to a. b. c. d. e. people with disabilities, lgbtq population, women in nontraditional jobs and people of color relegated to low skill level jobs veterans C. Using the chapter seven powerpoint, answer the following questions: 1. Review slide 11 and look at the advertisement pictured, what does this Nikon example have to do with a “missed opportunity” 2. Slide 12 review and state how the people responded and what tool (mentoring, sponsorship, diversity councils and/or employee network groups) would have worked in this example to prevent this from occurring and state why? 3. Slide 14, Watch Youtube Google unconscious bias at work and tell me your “take away” what did you learn or get reinforced from the video clip? 4. Slide 17, Watch the video on confirmation bias found at: youtube what is confirmation bias and explain why confirmation bias keeps people from accepting difference. EXTRA CREDIT Slide 16 explains an extra credit assignment, please turn in on blackboard under unconscious bias extra credit by Sunday, March 22 at 11:59 p.m. for points. Chapter Eight After reading the chapter and the powerpoint, please do the following: Use Discussion Board Post on Blackboard to display your answer (see due date on discussion board) after doing the following: Read powerpoint slides four and five, now go to the discussion board and answer the question that is posed for chapter eight. No minimum word count just be sure to support your viewpoint. Response A: “The Choice” (1) State whether there was anyone not qualified? (2) Based upon the qualified list, who do you hire and why? (3) How does your decision impact the company as it relates to diversity and inclusion? (4) What message does your decision send to the community as it relates to diversity and inclusion? Reply to two peers regarding response A: The choice above stating why you could also see the reason for their answer particularly if it differs from your own. Please be culturally sensitive in both your post and response as we all come from different viewpoints and perspectives as it relates to diversity and inclusion. MGMT 3700: Best Practices in Diversity: Leveraging Differences to Drive Success Professor Selina Griswold, MSM/MA College of Business & Innovation Chapter Seven: From Diversity to Inclusion: An Inclusion Equation Objectives of this Lesson Learn the business case for diversity. Explain Cultural Competency. Comprehend the Inclusion Equation. 2 3 The Business Case for Diversity— Dr. Roosevelt Thomas ➢ Thought leader Dr. Roosevelt Thomas is credited with shifting the paradigm from complying with legal mandates to the business case for diversity.