29, a. Main terms b. Nonessential modifiers c. Essential modifiers d. Symptoms hder the main term and must be included in the diagnostic mellitus, type 2, withng is the correct ICD-10-CM code for this dingnostic statement, diabetes t complications? a. E10.8 b. E10.9 e. E11.8 d. E11.9 stic statement; iron-deficiency -31, which of the following is the correct ICD-lac anemia? a. D50.9 b. D51. c. D53.3 d. D64.9 correct ICD-10 32. Which of the following infection at surgical site? a. L02.91 b.L03.90 c. L04.8 d. L08.9 is the correct ICD-10-CM code for this diagnostic statement; localized skin 33. Which of the following is the correct ICD-10-CM code for this diagnostic statement; abdominal pain, right lower quadrant? a. R10.11 b. R10.30 c. R10.31 34 Which of the following is the correct ICD-10-CM code for this diagnostic statement; encounter for positive pregnancy test? a. Z32.00 b. Z32.01 d. R10.813 c. Z34.00 d. Z34.01
Which of the following is the correct ICD-10-CM code 36. a. J20.9 b. J40 c, J45.909 d. 186.0 for this diagnostic statement; bronchit 37. Which of the following is the correct ICD-10-CM code for this diag examination? a. Z01.21 b. Z01.30 c. Z01.411 d. Z01.810 38. Which of the followi joint disease, right knee? a. M16.12 b. M17.11 c. M18.31 d. M19.90 ng is the correct ICD-10-CM code for this diagnostic statement; degenerative diagnostic statement; ingrowing which of the following is the correct ICD-10-CM code for this toenail, right great toe? a. F98.8 b. L60.0 c. L73.1 d. S60.111 39, ー owing is the correcet ICD-10.-CM code for this diagnostic statement; shortness of breath? a. R06.5 b. R06.89 c. R06.02 d. R19.6 41. Which of the following is the correct ICD-10-CM code for this diagnostic statement; unspecified, uncomplicated? a. J44.9 b.J45.901 c. 145.909 d. J69.8 42. Which of the following is the correct ICD-10-CM code for this diagnostic statement; streptococcal pharyngitis? a. J02.0 b. J02.9 c. 306.0
Which of the following is the correct 1CD-10-CM code 3. Whi for a routine pap test? a. Z01.419 for this dingnostic statement, examina b. Z02.81 c. Z03.818 d. Z04.72