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Nuclear medicine technologist schools virginia

22/10/2021 Client: muhammad11 Deadline: 2 Day


Scope of Practice for Radiologic Technologists




Ohio- Indiana- West Virginia

The scope of practice or practice standards for Radiologic Technologists (RT’s) are similar throughout America, but each state can vary on the type of education, licenses, certificates, and continuing education (CE) requirements. According to American Society of Radiologic Technologists (2017), “The practice of radiography is performed by health care professionals responsible for the administration of ionizing radiation for diagnostic, therapeutic or research purposes. A radiographer performs radiographic procedures at the request of and for interpretation by a licensed practitioner.“ All three named states in this presentation require the RT’s to be certified through the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT). And to complete the certification with the Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board (NMTCB). For example, Ohio and West Virginia require their RT’s having a certain amount of hours for continuing education every two years, as where Indiana does not (Glacier Valley Medical Education, 2019).


Ohio’s Scope of Practice for Radiologic Technologists (administration, certification, regulation)

Radiology Licensing for Ohio

Continuing Education Requirements

Limitations of Practice

The licensing requirements in Ohio for Radiologic Technologists (RT’s) are similar to other states in America. Anyone who wants to become a RT, must complete at least an Associates of Applied Science or a Bachelor’s of Science in Radiologic Technology through an American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) accredited school. This also means that they must take and pass the ARRT national exam, and the given states exam, to receive their license to perform. Also to take and pass the Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board (NMTCB) national exam. Ohio requires those that are RT‘s to continue their education (CE) in order to keep their license. For radiography Ohio requires each RT to complete a mandatory 50 hours every two years, this ensures they are current with any new law or regulation. In the nuclear medicine, fusion imaging and radiation therapy areas; every two years, a mandatory 24 hours are to be taken. And those with a limited license must complete a mandatory 6 hours classes for continuing education. The limitation practice for Ohio is as followed, venipuncture and medications it has nothing that excludes RT’s from performing. But for contrast media and dye, and fluoroscopy they must adhere to the Ohio laws and rules (Ohio Laws and Rules, n.d.). (Glacier Valley Medical Education, 2019).


Indiana’s Scope of Practice for Radiologic Technologists (administration, certification, regulation)

Radiology Licensing for Indiana

Continuing Education Requirements

Limitations of Practice

The licensing requirements in Indiana for Radiologic Technologists (RT’s) are similar to Ohio and the other states in America. Anyone who wants to become a RT, must complete at least an Associates of Applied Science or a Bachelor’s of Science in Radiologic Technology through an American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) accredited school. While a student is working on their licensing requirements, they must obtain a student permit to work while being a student. This also means that they must take and pass the ARRT national exam, and the given states exam, to receive their license to perform. Also to take and pass the Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board (NMTCB) national exam. Indiana does not require any of the RT’s to complete mandatory continuing education programs or classes. As far limitations of practice, Indiana has nothing in writing under the venipuncture or medication areas. But for contrast media, they state, a RT can administer contrast media or dye, only under a physician’s supervision and cannot be administered by those that are limited x-ray machine operators. Indiana also encourages RT’s to become a member of the Indiana Society of Radiologic Technologists (ISRT). This gives them opportunities for scholarships, grants, and become affiliated with the ARRT (Indiana State Department of Health, 2019). (Glacier Valley Medical Education, 2019). (Indiana Society of Radiologic Technologists, 2019). (HealthCarePathway, 2019).


West Virginia’s Scope of Practice for Radiologic Technologists (administration, certification, regulation)

Radiology Licensing for West Virginia

Continuing Education Requirements

Limitations of Practice

The licensing requirements in West Virginia for Radiologic Technologists (RT’s) are similar to Ohio, Indiana, and the other states in America. Anyone who wants to become a RT, must complete at least an Associates of Applied Science or a Bachelor’s of Science in Radiologic Technology through an American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) accredited school. This also means that they must take and pass the ARRT national exam, and the given states exam, to receive their license to perform. Also to take and pass the Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board (NMTCB) national exam. West Virginia requires those that are RT‘s to continue their education (CE) in order to keep their license. For radiography, West Virginia requires each Radiologist Assistants to complete a mandatory 50 hours every two years, this ensures they are current with any new law or regulation. In the nuclear medicine, radiography, and radiation therapy areas; every two years, a mandatory 24 hours are to be taken. The limitation of practice for West Virginia is as followed, venipuncture nothing that excludes RT’s from performing, medications; must have a nuclear medicine certificate, and in the contrast media area, a RT can administer contrast media or dye, only under a physician’s supervision (Justia,2019). (Glacier Valley Medical Education, 2019).


Can Radiologic Technologists in Ohio, Indiana, and West Virginia Administer Contrast Media or Dye Under the Supervision of A Physician?

Ohio- Yes

Indiana- Yes

Limited x-ray machine operators; not permitted

West Virginia- Yes

Under federal rules and regulations, each state has the ability to set state laws accordingly for medical professionals, including Radiologic Technologists (RT’s). Ohio, Indiana, and West Virginia all allow their Radiologic Technologists to administer contrast media or dye, under a physician’s supervision. For those that are limited x-ray machine operators in Indiana, are not permitted to administer contrast media or dye. As of now there is not a need to change how they operate as all three states permit administering contrast media or dye (Glacier Valley Medical Education, 2019).


Recommendations: Training in Contrast Administration, Hiring Extra Personnel, and the Costs

Patient Safety

Reactions to Contrast Media



Training in administrating contrast media or dye by Radiologic Technologists is something that they require more states and medical facilities to have before hiring an individual. Using Iodinated and gadolinium-base to intravenous inject the substance into a patients vein for imaging, can be dangerous, if there is a reaction to the dye. "However, reactions to contrast media do occur and can be life threatening. Therefore, it is critical for faculty and staff to know how reactions to contrast agents manifest and how to treat them promptly.” (Beckett, MD, Moniarity, MD, & Langer, MD, 2015, para.1). Giving the Radiologic Technologists the proper training and requiring them to become certified before hiring, can help eliminate unnecessary patient harm. Hiring additional personnel to administer contrast media or dye, can cost the medical facility extra money that they can avoid by training their RT’s to perform the duties. This can be turned into continuing education, or to become a requirement during the achievement of their degree (Beckett, MD, Moniarity, MD, & Langer, MD, 2015).



Scope of Practice for Radiologic Technologists




Ohio- Indiana- West Virginia

The scope of practice or practice standards for Radiologic Technologists (RT’s) are similar throughout America, but each state can vary on the type of education, licenses, certificates, and continuing education (CE) requirements. According to American Society of Radiologic Technologists (2017), “The practice of radiography is performed by health care professionals responsible for the administration of ionizing radiation for diagnostic, therapeutic or research purposes. A radiographer performs radiographic procedures at the request of and for interpretation by a licensed practitioner.“ Ohio, Indiana, and West Virginia all require their RT’s to become certified through the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) and the Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board (NMTCB) certified, to be hired at a medical facility. And to complete the certification with the Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board (NMTCB). For example, Ohio and West Virginia require their RT’s having a certain amount of hours for continuing education every two years, as where Indiana does not.Some state does not require their RT‘s to have any form of licenses or to complete continuing education requirements. Properly training RT’s to administer contrast media or dye, can ultimately save patients’ lives, as some have a reaction to the dye (Glacier Valley Medical Education, 2019).



American Society of Radiologic Technologists. (2017). The Practice Standards for Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy. Retrieved from https://www.asrt.org/docs/default- source/practice-standards-published/ps_rad.pdf?sfvrsn=13e176d0_18

Beckett, MD, K. R., Moniarity, MD, A. K., & Langer, MD, J. M. (2015, October). Safe Use of Contrast Media: What the Radiologist Needs to Know. RadioGraphics, 35(6), doi:https://pubs.rsna.org/doi/full/10.1148/rg.2015150033

Glacier Valley Medical Education. (2019). State Licensing Boards for Radiologic Technology. Retrieved from https://www.glaciermedicaled.com/index.php?page=State+Licensing&parentPageId=17


HealthCarePathway. (2019). Radiologic Technologist Schools and Certification in Indiana. Retrieved from https://www.healthcarepathway.com/radiologic-technologist/radiologic-technologist-schools-indiana.html

Indiana Society of Radiologic Technologists. (2019). The Indiana Society of Radiologic Technologists, Inc. Retrieved from https://isort.org/

Indiana State Department of Health. (2019). Medical Radiology Services Program. Retrieved from https://www.in.gov/isdh/23279.htm

Justia. (2019). 2017 West Virginia Code Chapter 30. Professions and Occupations. Article 23. Radiologic Technologists. §30-23- 10. Scope of Practice for a Radiologic Technologist. Retrieved from https://law.justia.com/codes/west- virginia /2017/chapter- 30/article-23/section-30-23-10/

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