Find and summarize an additional example of money influencing politics not mentioned in the book or videos. Given the influence of lobbyists in Washington, D.C., how can the government be expected to serve the best interests of its citizens? Or, in other words, if politicians are being funded by special interest groups, who are they serving? At what level should accepting funding from private interests become a crime? Or, should it ever?
Do a bit of your own research in addition to the reading and the video. Fiduciary fraud, involving financial institutions, is far more common than most think. Should banks be held liable for the actions of their employees? Why do you think when acts of fiduciary fraud occur, banks readily write-off losses? Could it be that financial institutions are more concerned with public image than pursuing justice? For example, Bank of America would not confirm if there were other victims. If you knew acts of fiduciary fraud occurred at your financial institution, would you continue to bank there?