OT Frame Of Reference Comparison Paper
Occupational Therapy Assistant Program
OT Frame of Reference Comparison Paper
OTA 1001 Introduction to OT
FOR Comparison Paper Assignment
Student Outcome(s) Addressed:
6.) Describe basic features of models of practice and frames of reference used in occupational therapy.
ACOTE Standards Addressed:
6.) Describe basic features of models of practice and frames of reference that are used in occupational therapy. (B.3.2)
5.) Describe basic features of the theories that underlie the practice of occupational therapy. (B.3.1)
1. Read Chapter 8, pages 35-36: Frank: Right Cerebrovascular Accident, Left Hemiplegia, Left Neglect. You will find this chapter in the Halloran, P, & Lowenstein, N. (2015). Case studies through the healthcare continuum: a workbook for the occupational therapy student. Thorofare: NJ.
Don’t worry about understanding the range of motion results or any other test results in the occupational therapy evaluation section; just focus on Frank’s overall abilities and deficits.
Here are some of the abbreviations used in the case and what they mean:
CVA – cerebrovascular accident, which is another term for a stroke
UE – upper extremity – from the shoulder down (distal) to the fingers
LE – lower extremity – from the hip down (distal) to the toes
AROM – active range of motion – motion that Frank has at any joint when he moves
PROM – passive range of motion – motion that Frank has at his joints when someone else, like the therapist, moves his arm. Frank has less motion that he can initiate on his own than when the therapist moves his arm due to muscle weakness on the right side.
WNL – within normal limits – if range of motion is limited by a few degrees from normal
then it is said to be within normal limits
ADL – activities of daily living
2. Read about the Rehabilitation (p.75-76) and the Cognitive Rehabilitation (p.84-85) frames of reference in Chapter 7 of your Ryan’s (2015) textbook.
In a paper that is no longer than five pages, following the prescribed format, you will provide the following information:
a. Define and describe the terms theory, frame of reference, and a model.
b. Why are assumptions made or defined when explaining frames of reference?
c. Identify and describe the Rehabilitation Frame of Reference.
d. Identify and describe the Cognitive Rehabilitation Frame of Reference.
e. What are the similarities between your two frames of reference?
f. How do your two frames of reference differ from each other?
g. Describe why the Rehabilitation and the Cognitive Rehabilitation Frames of
Reference are appropriate frameworks on which to base your treatment approach to working with Frank in occupational therapy.
h. Why is it important that OT practitioners base their approach to client treatment on a
frame of reference?
NOTE: Please copy the Evaluation Rubric and paste the entire Rubric into the very end of your paper -- after any references or appendices. A missing rubric will incur a 10% reduction. Thank you!
Evaluation Rubric for Written Analysis of Research Article Assignment
This assignment is worth 25 points, which is 15% of your grade for this course. It will be evaluated according to the following rubric:
CRITERIA for Frame of Reference Paper
25 points
Above Average
Inconsistent Professionalism
Below Average
Deficient in professional skills
Lacks professionalism
1. Definition of theory, frame of reference and model and assumptions
Definitions and descriptions of terms are clear; complete information provided
(5 points)
Partial definition and description of terms; adequate information provided
(3-4 points)
Incomplete definition and description of terms; minimal and superficial information provided
(1-2 point)
Definitions and descriptions are unclear or incorrect; extraneous information provided ; reads like a first draft
(0.5 points)
2. Scope of Content: Description of each frame of reference; identification of similarities & differences
Substantial, pertinent information and details provided about each frame of reference, including at least two similarities and two differences; point of view supported by evidence and examples; effective organization; good flow of information
(5 points)
Adequate information and some details provided about each frame of reference, including one similarity and one difference; point of view somewhat supported by an example; ineffective organization with awkward flow
(3-4 points)
Superficial information; minimal details provided; point of view supported by flawed reasoning and insufficient evidence; ineffective organization; difficult to follow
(1-2 points)
Description of frames of reference is unclear or incorrect; point of view is unsupported or supported incorrectly; reads like a first draft
(0.5 points)
3. Description of ways in which frames of reference guide practice and why that is important
Substantial, pertinent information and details clearly stated about how frames of reference pertain to case and areas of practice; effective organization
(5 points)
Some details provided about how frames of reference pertain to case and areas of practice; ineffective organization with awkward flow
(3-4 point)
Superficial information about how frames of reference pertain to case and areas of practice; point of view supported by flawed reasoning and insufficient evidence; lack of flow leads to confusion;
Description of frames of reference is unclear or incorrect; point of view is unsupported or supported incorrectly; reads like a first draft
(0.5 points)
4. Style
Required formatting and APA style (if relevant) applied correctly and consistently throughout
(5 points)
Required formatting and APA style (if relevant) applied is correct but applied inconsistently throughout
(3-4 point)
Required formatting and APA style (if relevant) applied incorrectly and inconsistently throughout (
Required formatting and APA style (if relevant) not evident or reads like a first draft
(0.5 points)
5. Grammar
Effective command of grammar, spelling, usage, and punctuation; paper contains fewer than five errors
(5 points)
Fair command of grammar, usage, spelling and punctuation; paper contains fewer than five errors per page on all pages
(3-4 point)
Below average command of grammar, usage, spelling, punctuation; paper contains five errors per page on five or more pages
(1-2 points)
Poor command of grammar, spelling usage and punctuation; excessive errors interfere with understanding; reads like a first draft
(0.5 points)
OTA Program South University, Richmond adapted by C. Cox 4.20.16; modified 1/17/18MAS