1. 2. Define and provide a research example of each of the following: shaping and chaining, reinforcement schedules, and one-trial learning. Reinforcement schedules are a systemic way to enforce learning that is based on a schedule either known or unknown towards progression. Pet animals rather a dog, cat, gerbil, or rabbit often learn from a reinforcement schedule. In fact they are trained in this manner because if they do a task they get a treat. And then the task is done and the treat is there. The purpose of teaching the task is completed through the reinforcement schedules. Hulac, D., Benson, N., Nesmith, M. C., & Wollersheim Shervey, S. (2016). Using Variable Interval Reinforcement Schedules to Support Students in the Classroom: An Introduction with Illustrative Examples. Journal of Educational Research and Practice, 6(1), 90–96. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=shib&db=eric&AN=EJ1132273& site=eds-live&scope=site 3. Shaping and chaining is a way to create a new behavior when one is not adapt to being in that behavior. Often there are games that will let you get to a target by saying higher, lower, higher, higher, lower until the desired target is reached. That is like shaping and chaining, piece by piece instruction is given to get to the desired target. BBB Autism (2002) states the rules for shaping and chaining are define the target behavior, reinforce successive approximations of the target behavior, and then monitor results. Often with a innate situation, the need to shape and chain their behavior is necessary as with a person who suffers from autism. The purpose is to allow them to succeed productively in a society that acts a certain way. With the shaping and chaining, one could learn the adaptive way to live and be successful on their own despite their deficits. Shaping and Chaining(2002). Retrieved from http://www.bbbautism.com/aba_shaping_and_chaining.htm 4. Select one of the four professional fields: environmental or evolutionary psychology, forensic psychology, health or sports psychology, or industrial/organizational or engineering psychology. Using published research findings; provide an example of how professionals might train individuals to maximize their memories. Then, generate your own examples of how you might maximize your own memory. 5. Maximizing my memory has always been challenging for me because there is always so much for me to remember. In many cases I am listening to an important piece of information while I am in the middle of doing at least one other task, drawing my full attention away from what needs to be memorized. In order to improve, I write things down on a list every day. When I see the tasks on the list it is easier for me to remember what needs to be done because of the visual processing that has occurred, storing the list image in a separate part of the brain that is easier for me to recall than something I was told. I have found the list making to be very helpful, and have encouraged my son to start doing it with his long-term homework assignments. We break them down into a few short tasks over the course of the week, and this allows him to stay on top of the project without falling behind while also remember what needs to be done for each day. Another strategy I have employed in the past is using index cards to study, and drawing a unique picture next to each term/definition. This picture solidifies the information for me and helps me recall the meaning or the vocabulary term. ...