There have been several high profile outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases among students at colleges and universities in the U.S. Currently, Oregon State University requires entering students to document meningococcal vaccination (MCV4), various doses of measles-, mumps-, and rubella-containing vaccines, varicella (chicken pox), tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis (Tdap), and hepatitis B. Vaccination for meningococcal B was required until 2018 but is now only recommended. See OSU Domestic Student Immunization Requirements (Links to an external site.) and International Student Immunization Requirements (Links to an external site.) for more info.
You are tasked with writing a justification for making meningococcal B a required vaccination again. In 750 words or less, prepare a justification, which includes the following components:
Introduction: introduce the current OSU immunization requirements and the disease/vaccine for which you are justifying (2 pts)
Seriousness and severity of disease (3 pts)
Disease incidence and outbreaks in appropriate locations (i.e. Oregon and U.S.) and age groups (i.e. college students or college-age students) (2 pts)
Specific vaccine(s) advocating to require, its efficacy and schedule (2 pts)
Limitations of the new requirement (2 pts)