read the “Motivating Employees at Google” case, and respond to the questions at the end of the case. The answer is based on Creating A Motivating Work Setting and pay, Careers, And Changing Employment Relationships. Your response should be at least 1.5 complete pages, typewritten, 12pt font, double-spaced, 1 inch margins. Please number each response. The case and two theories will be find in upload file, plz read first.CREATING A MOTIVATING WORK SETTING JOB DESIGN What factors do you have to consider in designing a job? Pay Nature of the work Level of autonomy Feedback How can an organization create a motivating work setting by the way it designs its jobs and the objectives and goals it sets for its employees? 1 THE JOB CHARACTERISTICS MODEL Skill variety Task identity Task significance Autonomy Feedback Scales used to measure these five dimensions. Allows for the computation of a job’s motivating potential score which is a measure of the overall potential of a job to foster intrinsic motivation. Identifies the dimensions most in need of redesign. 7-3 JOB CHARACTERISTICS MODEL 7-4 2 HOW CAN JOBS BE REDISGNED? Job Enlargement (also called horizontal job loading) Increasing the number of tasks an employee performs but keeping all of the tasks at the same level of difficulty and responsibility An employee becomes responsible for work from start to finish Job Enrichment (also called vertical job loading) Provide opportunities for employee growth by giving employees more responsibility and control OTHER FACTORS IMPACTING MOTIVATION Social information Other individuals with whom employees come into contact at work provide information about how to evaluate jobs and work outcomes All of my friends at work love their job, and so do I. 3 GOAL SETTING Goal-setting theory explains what types of goals are most effective in producing high levels of motivation and performance and why goals have these effects. Goals must: 1. Be Specific 2. Be difficult Provide feedback concerning goal attainment. HOW DO GOALS AFFECT MOTIVATION? o o o o o By directing employees’ attention and action toward goal-relevant activities By encouraging higher levels of effort By encouraging the development of action plans By causing persistence in the face of difficulty Limits to goal-setting theory 7-8 4 CREATING A MOTIVATING WORK SETTING JOB DESIGN What factors do you have to consider in designing a job? Pay Nature of the work Level of autonomy Feedback How can an organization create a motivating work setting by the way it designs its jobs and the objectives and goals it sets for its employees? 1 THE JOB CHARACTERISTICS MODEL Skill variety Task identity Task significance Autonomy Feedback Scales used to measure these five dimensions. Allows for the computation of a job’s motivating potential score which is a measure of the overall potential of a job to foster intrinsic motivation. Identifies the dimensions most in need of redesign. 7-3 JOB CHARACTERISTICS MODEL 7-4 2 HOW CAN JOBS BE REDISGNED? Job Enlargement (also called horizontal job loading) Increasing the number of tasks an employee performs but keeping all of the tasks at the same level of difficulty and responsibility An employee becomes responsible for work from start to finish Job Enrichment (also called vertical job loading) Provide opportunities for employee growth by giving employees more responsibility and control OTHER FACTORS IMPACTING MOTIVATION Social information Other individuals with whom employees come into contact at work provide information about how to evaluate jobs and work outcomes All of my friends at work love their job, and so do I. 3 GOAL SETTING Goal-setting theory explains what types of goals are most effective in producing high levels of motivation and performance and why goals have these effects. Goals must: 1. Be Specific 2. Be difficult Provide feedback concerning goal attainment. HOW DO GOALS AFFECT MOTIVATION? o o o o o By directing employees’ attention and action toward goal-relevant activities By encouraging higher levels of effort By encouraging the development of action plans By causing persistence in the face of difficulty Limits to goal-setting theory 7-8 4 Pay, Careers, And Changing Employment Relationships Psychological Contract ⚫ An employee’s perception of ⚫ his or her exchange relationship with an organization, ⚫ outcomes the organization has promised to provide to the employee, and ⚫ contributions the employee is obligated to make to the organization 8-2 1 Determinants of Psychological Contracts Direct Communication Observation Written Documents Psychological Contract 8-3 Types of Psychological Contracts Transactional Contracts: ▪ Short term ▪ Narrow and specific ▪ Limited promises and obligations Relational Contracts: