Spring 2019
“Cracking the Maya Code” Assignment (15 Points) DUE Thursday, March 7th by 11:59pm on Blackboard
Link to Documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQLG0RF5UZY Link to Transcript: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/ancient/cracking-maya-code.html
Answer each of the three questions below with a minimum of 75 words per question (although you may need more to fully answer one or more of the questions.) THIS ASSIGNMENT MUST BE SUBMITTED AS A .WORD OR PDF attachment on Blackboard, or I will not accept it and you will receive a “0.” You can number your answers 1, 2, and 3.
1) What was the common historical view of the Maya before their writing was deciphered?
2) How did the events of a) World War I and b) the Cold War influence J. Eric Thompson’s study of the Maya? Be sure to explain the influence of BOTH World War I and the Cold War.
3) How did the decipherment of the Maya writing system change scholars’ understanding of the Maya Civilization?