CALENDAR TERM19.2.16 Swimming Carnival Yrs 3-616.2.16 Parent Information NightP&C meeting17.2.16SRC Induction26.2.16PSSA sport commences29.2.16 Young leaders Conference3.3.16Zone Swimming8.3.16P&C AGM10.3.16Selective HS exam21.3.16Harmony Day24.3.16Easter Activity5.3.16 Parent Interviews7.3.16 Cross Country8.3.16 Last day Term 1Don’t forget your fruit or vegetables for the fruit break during our morning session. The fruit or vegetables help students concentrate and learn well.CONTACT USPhone: 9631 8253FAX: 9896 3082Email: : THE PRINCIPWelcome to all our new Kindergarten, preschool and early intervention students and their families. We have formed classes for 1-6 students today. We have grown a class so will need a demountable classroom to accommodate the additional class. 2A will work from the library until the building arrives.Miss Cortiana will be teaching the 2A until a teacher is appointed through staffing processeswhich I anticipate may not be until Term 2.Kindergartenwill form classes sometime this week .We will be holding a parent information night on 18.2.15. Teachers will discuss the program for the year, class routines and organisation. A note will be sent home with further details..Pendle HillPublic School Newsletter 5.2.16NSW, Department of Education and TrainingFROM THE PRINCIPALOur new Kindergarten, Early Intervention and preschool students have commenced school this week. Welcome to all of these students and their families. Their start to school has been relatively settled and all havebegun their learningprograms. It is a veryhectic process, as we have a preschool and early intervention class we welcome the same number of enrolments that a school of over 800 students processes but only have office staffing for a much smaller school due to our total student numbers. Thank youto our office staff for managing the process so smoothly.We have 63 Kindergarten students and as we confirmed that a few extra expected students will not be starting school we revised the need to form a K/1 class. This led to a slight change across the K-2 classes. Our classes are now:KL Mrs LinnegarKCMrs ConchaKRMs Rich1SMs Sinclair1FMrs Foley2CMs Constantinides2KMs Kanafani3RMrs Russell 3/4M Ms Munro4/5SMr Stone5/6MMrs Mufale5/6VMrs VileOur administration building upgrade is still being planned and should commence sometime this term. We sited touch screen panels in three rooms at the end of last year. This new technology replaces interactive whiteboards(IWB). All classes except the new demountable have touch screens or IWBs. We plan to move an IWB from the staffroom into the new demountable as part of the administration upgrade. If you have any concerns about your child or something which is happening at school please feel free to contact me. You are also able to contact your child’s teacher but remember they will not be able to meet with parents whilst they are supervising students. Each stage has a supervisor your are also able to contact. Please ring or visit the office if you wish to organize a meeting or call from teachers, assistant principals or myself.Gabrielle Buczynski
P&C MeetingAll parents are welcome to attend the P&C Meeting. The meeting is for parents and carers to hear about what is happening around the school, ask questions and help the school. You may attend and participate or just listen. The principal attends each meetingto present a report, discuss proposals and questions. Tuesday 16.2.15 at 2.00 pm in the staffroom. Parents from preschool and early intervention are also encouraged to come along.Office HoursOur Office hours are 8.30-3.15 each day.Preschool fees can be paid each Thursday. We ask that preschool fee payment is made between 9.10 am -2.45pm to avoid peak times. If you are unable to pay on a Thursday please discuss alternative arrangements with the office.HelmetsChildren riding bicycles or scooters to school must wear a helmet. Students will only be allowed to ride home with a helmet. If students arrive without a helmet we will need to keep bicycles or scooters here until they can be ridden safely home or a parent collects them.Students riding bicycles to school without adult supervision must be over 10 years of age and be abel to manage travel unsupervised.Arrival at schoolThere is no playground supervision until 8.25 am each morning. Students should not be on the grounds without aparent/ adult before this time, as they will not be supervised. There is no guarantee any staff members will actually be on the grounds before 8.25 amwhich is official start time for teachers. Students walking to school are advised nottoleave home until 8.25am so they do not arrive at school too early. Mobile PhonesStudents are only permitted to bring mobile phones to school if a parent deems it necessary for their safety whilst travelling to and from school. Parents must explain this in writing to the principal and phones must be handed in at the office when the child arrives at school and collected at the end of the day.TrafficThank you to all parents who observe the safety rules around the school. To ensure the safety of all children it is very important that:EFTPOS PaymentsParents/carers are able to make payments at the office through EFTPOS.The facility is for payments only.There is a $10.00 minimum payment.We are unable to take eftpos payments after 3.00pm.You may use credit or debit cards.You are able to make payments using a credit or debit card over the phone but these will only be taken between the hours of 9.00-2.30 pm.Payments will be able to be made on a payment slip sent home with notes however parents will need to ensure their child can safely bring the slip to school.