1.Essay : Appraise the arguments for and against Deontological Ethics by Immanuel Kant and Richard Whatley respectively. Ensure to state and support your own position. 3 pages including reference page, spacing 1.5. Times New Roman 12.
2. Post a discussion between 5-7 sentences that summarizes the argument and demonstrate adequate understanding of either Aristotle or Frankena on virtue ethics as an ethical theory. Ask question of at least two of your colleagues’ posts and respond to a question that is asked of your post. Ensure you acknowledge any learning resource used accordingly.
For this assignment, you will use the lay definition of the technical term from your Extended Definition memo to develop a draft of an infographic, or informative graphic. By including a visual element that aligns with or enhances the text, your infographic will define the term for a lay (general or casual) audience.
A revised version of the infographic will eventually be included in the Proposal as a work sample, and it will contribute to the recommendation report.
Your definition infographic will provide a definition of a technical term for laypeople
Assume that your readers have a basic, well-rounded education, but no special knowledge of your field, except what they have been able to pick up from popular media.
To complete this assignment, you must compose an infographic that:
- Builds from a clear sentence definition that appeals to laypeople
- Gives your readers a reason for wanting to know what you are telling them
- Include a graphic or visual element, such as:
- An icon or illustration;
- A photo;
- A relevant chart, graph, or other form of visualized data
- Explains the term, how and in what context it is used, and, in some detail, what it refers to.
- Presents your information clearly and logically for the audience it is intended for.
- Uses background information your readers can reasonably be assumed to have, but make sure that a correct understanding of the material does not rely on their knowing something that they may very well not know. In other words, if your definition relies heavily on the readers’ understanding of some additional material, make sure your design explains that material unless it is common knowledge for those readers.
- Incorporates a design composition of your creation that applies at least one of the following extended definition techniques:
- examples,
- partition,
- principle of operation,
- comparison and contrast,
- analogy,
- negation,
- Etymology/history of the term. Be sure to include (see textbook for more on sentence definitions).
**Do not simply submit an image with a caption. Thoughtfully compose a design that incorporates design elements and principles to convey information.**
- Document must be submitted as a PowerPoint or Image file with one of the following extensions: .ppt, .pptx., .png., or .jpeg
- You may construct the infographic element using the word processing, presentation, or graphic design program of your choosing
- Formatting and design of the infographic version is at your discretion.
- Sourced images may be incorporated into the design, but these images MUST be accurately cited using APA or MLA documentation style. Please contact me if you have any questions about documentation.
Lay Audience Definition
A database refers to the storage of information using the technology, and thus the information is stored using computers. It is important to store information using the technology because it ensures that the data is safe and hence cannot be lost. It is also possible to store a lot of information using a small space, unlike when the same information is stored in files that occupy a lot of space (PANNEERSELVAM, 2018). The database enables the organization to keep all the information about the organization in a single computer thus taking less space in the office, unlike when all this information is stored in hardcopies. Generally, the technology that makes it possible to store information in a database is ideal for an organization because the information is well protected as long as a few people only are allowed to access the computer containing the information. These are the positive significance of the use of the database in storing information (Hoisington, 2017).