Please label each answer with the appropriate number corresponding to the problem number below and press "return" after each answer to leave a blank line between values to make your thoughts more readable.
Before answering the questions below, please read the lab handout "Physics 161 Lab 3” and "Statistics Handout both attached.
- Note i finished table 1 which answer questions 1 through4.
1) What are the mass values that you recorded in Table 1 (or piece of scratch paper)?
2) What are the spring scale values that you recorded in Table 1 (or piece of scratch paper)?
3) What is the normal force of the spring block with washers on top?
4) What is the normal force of the spring block with washers plus cell phone (or other object) on top?
5) Describe the mathematical details for calculating the coefficient of friction. What are the units for the coefficient of friction?
6) What are the coefficient of friction values that you recorded in Table 2 (or piece of scratch paper)?
7) You did 4 data runs for this part of the lab (felt side down with washers, felt side down with washers and cell phone, wood side down with washers, and wood side down with washers and cell phone). In Table 2 there are six calculated values for the coefficient of friction for each data run. What is the average for each data run in Table 2? What is the standard error of the mean for each data run in Table 2?
8) What are the spring scale values that you recorded in Table 3 (or on a piece of scratch paper?
9) What are the coefficient of friction values, averages and approximations of the standard error of the mean for each data run in Table 4?
10) Using your results from question 7) above, calculate the DS value (look this up in the statistics handout) for each pair of data runs.
11) Based on your results from 10) above, what do you think the coefficient of static friction depends on and what it doesn’t? Hint: think about how each data run was similar or different.
12) Using your results from question 9) above, calculate the DS value (look this up in the statistics handout) for each pair of data runs.
13) Based on your results from 12) above, what do you think the coefficient of kinetic friction depends on and what it doesn’t? Hint: think about how each data run was similar or different.
Due after 18 hours from now.