Please label each answer with the appropriate number corresponding to the problem number below and press "return" after each answer to leave a blank line between values to make your thoughts more readable.
the due to Friday at 3:00 pm north west of usa
Before answering the questions below, please read the lab handout "Physics 161 Lab 4”. These documents can be found by clicking on the “Files” link on the Canvas front page for PHYS 161. There is no preliminary survey for Lab 4.
1) In a paragraph, describe how to derive an equation for gravitational acceleration in terms of the masses hanging on the string, distance the masses travel (one mass will ascend and the other will descend the same distance) and time it takes the massed to travel that distance. If you want to use the Canvas “Insert Math Equation” feel free to do so.
2) Show one example of a numerical calculation of gravitational acceleration using the equation you derived in 1) above and one set of data that you collected.
3) Show all calculated values for gravitational acceleration from all experimental runs. There should be data from 10 different configurations. There is no need to include the computational steps for each value of gravitational acceleration as that was demonstrated in 2) above, just list the final calculated value.
4) Do your experimentally determined values of gravitational acceleration match 9.8 m/s^2? If so what experimental factors made the results work well? If not, what experimental factors caused the results to be off?