ANCDS PGG/ TBI assessment 1Table 1Results of survey in Appendix A. Standardized tests recommended by speech-language pathologists (n = 30) and rationale for their use.Numbers in parentheses refer to the individual respondent. Respondent characteristics are listed below. NC = no comment. (?) = unable toidentify respondent.Assessment ToolRationale for useStrengths and limitationsAmerican Speech Language HearingAssociation Functional Assessment ofCommunication Skills for Adults(26) used to obtain self-reports of abilities invariety of communication situations, tasks(26) + having both client & family or friend fill itout, can compare clients perceptions of skillswith other’s perceptions = awareness ofabilities/disabilitiesAphasia Diagnostic Profiles(6) assess language skills(6) + easy to administer(6) + easy scoring(6) + includes assessment of praxis(6) - limited assessment of word-finding,reading, writingApraxia Battery for Adults(22) looks at speech and non-speech oralmotor control(23) NCAssessment of Intelligibility of DysarthricSpeech(23) NCAssessment of Language RelatedFunctional Activities(10) functional approach to assessing readingcomprehension, money, problem solving, detailfollowing(10) + fast(10) + each sub-test can stand alone(10) + serves a range of severityAttention Process Test(22) screen for vigilance for vigilance, reactiontime, information processing(22) + lacks ambiguity- a 2 is always a 2(22) - a bit abstractBehavioural Assessment of theDysexecutive Syndrome(?) Deficit specific(23) no specific commentBrief Test of Head Injury(4) good for patients with short attention spanand who are ‘lower’ level – i.e., RLA levels IV-VI(4) neurocognitive screening for earlyassessment of cognitive and language skills(19) cognitive-linguistic tool, for acute andrehabilitation patients(4) + screens areas(4) + fast(4) - if someone does well in an area, doesn’tmean that they are “functional”(9) + brief(9) + has language and gestural scoring andcan be used to track recoveryBoston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination(1) for language evaluation, as appropriate(6) especially with left brain involvement(11) aphasia assessment(3) + covers a full range of language disordersin all modalities(6) + time-tested(6) - lengthy(6) - scoring is time-consuming
ANCDS PGG/ TBI assessment 2Assessment ToolRationale for useStrengths and limitations(21) use sub-tests as a ten minute screeningfor reading, writing and yes/no questions.(23) NC(11) + good overall assessment ofcomprehension, expression, reading andwriting(15) + quick screening for American Englishpatients(15) + can be used to observe how impairedcognitive function adversely affects language(15) - not culturally sensitive-some items are unfamiliar to current 18-30year olds(21) + the long version is quick and the shortversion is even quicker+ not that costly(21) - no norms for normal folks- brief screening testsBoston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination –Revised Edition(4) + good test(4) - pictures for lexical info are atrociousBoston Naming Test(?) for language evaluation, as appropriate(?) NC(4) + can pick up subtle difficulties such asvisual perception errors, perseverations,formulation problems(4) - as it’s visual, doesn’t tap into wordretrieval difficulties when visual referent notpresentBurns Inventory Complex Neuropathologies(1) useful when time constraints on initialevaluation, usually followed by deficit specifictesting(6) assesses attention, perception andworking memory underlyinglanguage/communication function(11) short but thorough test for short attentionspans(19) a quick way to assess those withmoderate problems or to pinpoint a few moresevere problems with those with overallmilder impairments(6) + quick(6) + 3 inventories targeting primary deficitareas(6) + results tie to therapy suggestions-criterion referenced scores only-limited number of items(11) - does not give high level cognitiveinformation+quick and covers wide range of areas(18) + speed+ assesses auditory and visual memory(18) - does not assess auditory memorybeyond immediate repetition(18) - does not assess language skills(although you can also administer the lefthemisphere inventory but that was designedfor aphasia and is too low level for most of myhigh outpatients.)