In Ch. 4, we learned how important it is to cultivate the skills of perception-checking as well as empathy and cognitive complexity. In order to practice and develop the skill of empathy/cognitive complexity, you will apply the Pillow Method (also explained in your text on pages 131-134) for your first application paper.
Choose ONE disagreement/conflict that you are currently having (or within the past two years) with someone in your life. Using the pillow method, examine/analyze this disagreement by describing and explaining the five different positions (perspectives) for this situation.
Download the handout for a detailed explanationPreview the document on the Pillow Method.
Guidelines: This assignment should be typed, single-spaced and approximately 2-3 pages in length. Please use SUBHEADINGS for each of the positions in the method and then write your explanation in paragraphs with complete sentences (not bullet points and phrases). Use 12 point font, 1 inch margins, double spaced. This assignment should be submitted as an uploaded file into Canvas. Be sure to describe briefly what the conflict/disagreement in the introduction of your paper.