Project Initiation, Planning And Execution
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Week 3 Review
• Scheduling Terminology
• Activity Network pathways
• Duration Estimation
• Critical Path
• Apply lag relationships to project activities
• Construct and comprehend Time & Action
(Gantt) charts
• Recognise alternative means to accelerate
projects, including their benefits and drawbacks
• Understand the trade-offs required in the decision
to crash project activities
Week 4 Lecture Objectives
Lags in Precedence Relationships
Lag (Definition) – “the logical relationship between the start and finish of one activity and the start and finish of another” They commonly occur under four logical relationships:-
1. Finish to Start
2. Finish to Finish
3. Start to Start
4. Start to Finish
Lags in Precedence Relationships
Network Incorporating Finish to Start Lag of 4 Days
• Finish to Start relationship – most common type of logical sequencing
• See figure above – 3 tasks linked in a serial path
• Activity C cannot begin until the project receives a delivery from an
external supplier that is scheduled to occur four days after the
completion of activity B.
• The early start (ES) date for activity C has now been delayed for the 4
days of the lag.
• Finish to Start lag delay is usually shown on the line joining the nodes; it
should be added in forward pass calculations and subtracted in
backward pass calculations.
Source: Pinto, JK 2016, Project Management, Achieving Competitive Advantage, 4th Edition, Pearson Education Inc., p353
Lags in Precedence Relationships
Network Incorporating Finish to Finish Relationship
• Finish to Finish relationships – two linked activities must share a
similar completion point (R to T).
• Figure shows an example of a Finish to Finish lag, in which the
preceding activities R, S, and T are completed to enable activity U
to commence immediately afterward.
• Lag of 3 days between activities R and T enables the tasks to
complete at the same point.
Source: Pinto, JK 2016, Project Management, Achieving Competitive Advantage, 4th Edition, Pearson Education Inc., p354
Lags in Precedence Relationships
Network Incorporating Start to Start Relationship
• Start to Start relationship – two or more activities can start
simultaneously or a lag takes place between the start of one
activity after an earlier activity has commenced.
• The logic must be maintained by both the forward and backward
pass through the network.
• Becoming increasingly used as a means to accelerate projects
(fast tracking). Source: Pinto, JK 2016, Project Management, Achieving Competitive Advantage, 4th Edition, Pearson Education Inc., p354
Lags in Precedence Relationships
Network Incorporating Start to Finish Relationship
• Start to Finish – perhaps the least common type of lag relationship occurs
when a successor’s finish is dependent upon a predecessor’s start.
• As with the other types of predecessor/successor relationships, we must
examine network logic to ascertain the most appropriate manner for linking
networked activities with each other.
Source: Pinto, JK 2016, Project Management, Achieving Competitive Advantage, 4th Edition, Pearson Education Inc., p355
Workshop Activity
Divide into groups of 3 or 4 students. Can you
think of situations in a project where lag
relationships between activities are used for the
1. Finish to start
2. Finish to finish
Discuss your examples with the class.
Time & Action Charts • Time & Action (Gantt) Charts have been used in Project Management for many
• They establish a time-phased network which link project activities to a project
schedule baseline.
• They are also used as a project tracking tool to monitor planned vs. actual
Gantt Charts
Some benefits of Gantt charts include the following:
• The visual format of the Gantt chart is easy to read and
understand. The timelines give managers and team members
a visual overview of when activities will occur, and whether
they are dependent upon completion of other tasks.
• Organises activities by listing tasks and subtasks in logical
• Shows who is responsible for each task and dates for start
and completion
• Allows for updating and project control
• Identifies resource needs and assigns them to tasks
• Helps to establish reasonable time frames
Gantt Charts
Completed Gantt chart for Project Delta Source: MS Project 2013, Microsoft Corp.
Source: Pinto, JK 2016, Project Management, Achieving Competitive Advantage, 4th Edition, Pearson Education Inc., p357
Gantt Charts Critical Path
Completed Gantt chart for Project Delta with Critical Path Highlighted Source: MS Project 2013, Microsoft Corp.
Source: Pinto, JK 2016, Project Management, Achieving Competitive Advantage, 4th Edition, Pearson Education Inc., p357
Gantt Charts Adding Resources
Gantt chart with Specified Resources Source: MS Project 2013, Microsoft Corp.
Source: Pinto, JK 2016, Project Management, Achieving Competitive Advantage, 4th Edition, Pearson Education Inc., p358
Workshop Activity
Form small groups (3 or 4) and identify any
weaknesses in using Gantt charts. Share your
findings with the rest of the class.
Crashing Projects
Crashing (definition) – “expediting the project by accelerating development in
order to reach an earlier completion date”
1.The initial schedule may be too optimistic / unrealistic. We may schedule the
project with a series of activity durations so condensed they make the crashing
process inevitable.
2.Changing circumstances, so that project is in demand earlier than
3.Slippage, so that the project is behind schedule. You may determine that the
only way to regain the original milestones is to crash all remaining activities.
4.The contractual situation provides even more incentive to avoid schedule
slippage. The organisation may realise that it will be responsible for paying more
in late delivery penalties than the cost of crashing the activities.
Crashing Projects
1. Improve the productivity of existing project
resources – do things more efficiently.
2. Change the working method employed for the activity
– change the technology and types of resources
1. Fast-track the project – look for ways to rearrange the
project schedule in order to move more of the critical
path activities from sequential to parallel (concurrent)
Crashing Projects
Crashing Projects
• When looking at crash options for project
activities, the objective is to find the point at
which time and cost trade-offs are optimised.
• Various combinations of time/cost trade-offs for
a project’s crash options can be calculated by
determining the slope for each activity using
the following formula:
Slope = crash cost - normal cost
normal time - crash time
Crashing Projects
The cost slope can be represented diagrammatically
as follows:-
Crashing Projects
The time/cost trade-offs for crashing activities can
be represented diagrammatically as follows:-
Source: Pinto, JK 2016, Project Management, Achieving Competitive Advantage, 4th Edition, Pearson Education Inc., p364
Workshop Activity
In small groups of 3 or 4, calculate the cost of the
following crashing project:-
Assumptions: The normal activity duration for
activity X is 6 weeks and the budgeted cost is
$32,000. The crash time for this activity is 4
weeks and the expected cost is $52,000.
Is this a reasonable price?
Crashing Projects Budget Effects
• Crashing is the decision to shorten activity duration
times through adding resources and paying
additional direct costs.
• There is a clear relationship between the decision
to crash project activities and the effect of the
crashing on the budget.
• The cost of crashing is always to be weighed
against the time saved in expediting the activity’s
Crashing Projects Budget Effects
Let’s look at the crashing table above. If we assume that activities A, C, D, and
H are on the critical path, the first decision relates to which of the critical
activities we should crash.
Crashing Projects Budget Effects
• From the table on previous slide, crashing activity C (the least expensive
to crash) saves 3 days at a cost of $1,500 in extra expenses.
• Other candidates for crashing (A, D, and H) – also evaluated individually
in terms of schedule time gained versus cost to the project budget
(assume all other paths are ≤ 48 days). Crashing Activity A saves the
project 3 days at an additional cost of $2,000, raising the total cost of A to
$4,000. Crashing Activities D and H represents a time savings of 5 and 3
days respectively at additional costs of $3,000 for each.
Crashing Projects Budget Effects
Crashing Projects Project Costs
Project costs over the life cycle
Source: Pinto, JK 2016, Project Management, Achieving Competitive Advantage, 4th Edition, Pearson Education Inc., p368
Workshop Activity
The recently built new Royal Adelaide Hospital has
been the culmination of one of the most significant
building projects in South Australia.
Form into groups of 3 or 4, and using your
smartphone or tablet, search for evidence of lags in
the project. How have these been managed? What
were the implications?
Discuss your findings with the class.
• Activity network development is the heart of the project
management planning process.
• Scheduling is the crux of project management.
• The scheduling techniques are not nearly as important
to the final success of your projects as is the commitment
to performing these operations carefully, methodically,
and honestly.
Week 4 Summary
• Precedence relationships
• Time and Action (Gantt)
• Crashing projects
Next Week
• A project can be described by its:
– purpose, scope, outputs
• Breaking down work activity (WBS) is a process by which the project
is subdivided for management and control purposes:
– Areas of work
– Milestones
– Activities and Schedule