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Pitt and sherry building surveying

25/01/2022 Client: muhammad11 Deadline: 2 Day

SURNAMEFIRST NAMEACCREDITATION NUMBER(BFP - )ACCREDITED SCOPE OF WORKPOSITIONORGANISATIONE-MAIL ADDRESSPHONEADDRESSSUBURBP/CODEWORKS IN NORTH ?ABERNETHYIanBFP - PProvisionalPlanning ManagerPitt & Sherryiabernethy@pittsh.com.au 6323 1943113 Cimitiere StreetLAUNCESTON7250YesARMSTRONGWilliamBFP - PProvisionalSurveyorCohen & Associates Pty Ltdbill@surveyingtas.com.au0409 865 129103 Cameron StreetLAUNCESTON7250YesBARNESGabrielBFP - 1011, 2, 3A, 3B, 3CBuilding SurveyorCastellan Consulting & GB Building Surveyinggabriel@gbbuildingsurveying.com.au0438 134 07218 Mulgrave StreetSOUTH LAUNCESTON7250YesBLOWFIELDJacquiBFP - 1021, 2, 3A, 3B, 3CPlannerIreneinc Planningjacqui@ireneinc.com.au6234 928149 Tasma StreetNORTH HOBART7000YesCASHIONJustinBFP - 1121, 2, 3A, 3BDirectorGround Proof Mapping Pty Ltdjustin@groundproofmapping.com.au 0487 476 479PO Box1027LAUNCESTON7250YesCLARKDavidBFP - PProvisionalBuilding Surveyor & Compliance OfficerDerwent Valley Councilbuilding@dvc.tas.gov.au6261 8528PO Box 595NEW NORFOLKTAS7140CREESENickBFP - 1181, 2, 3A, 3BManagerLark & Creesenick@larkandcreese.com.au0429 879 023PO Box 136KINGSTON7051CUTHBERTSONPhilipBFP - PProvisionalPrincipalPhilip Cuthbertson Architectural Drafting Design Servicesphcuthbertson@gmail.com 0438 782 653PO Box 240HUONVILLE7109DE CARVALHORiqBFP - PProvisionalArchitectDesign Carvalho Pty Ltdriq@optusnet.com.au0427 697 222933 Cloudy Bay RoadLUNAWANNA7150DRAFFINChrisBFP - 1141, 2, 3APrincipal ConsultantOnto It Solutionsccdraffin@iinet.net.au 0418 833 881PO Box 107ST HELENS7216YesDRUMMONDLindaBFP - PProvisionalEnvironmental ScientistPitt & Sherryldrummond@pittsh.com.au6210 1471PO Box 94HOBART7001YesEASTWOODMichaelBFP - PProvisionalBuilding DesignerOnshore Designsonshoredesigns@bigpond.com0429 901 00356a Main RoadST MARYS7215YesEDSERWayneBFP - PProvisionalDesignerWayne Edser Builderswayne.m23@hotmail.com 0409 728 68431 Taree CrescentGRAVELLY BEACH7276YesEDWARDSKeithBFP - PProvisionalBuilding SurveyorCastellan Consulting Pty Ltdkeith.edwards@castellan.com.au6231 2360GPO Box 2030HOBART7001YesFERGUSONAntheaBFP - PProvisionalConsultantNatural Values Consultinganthea.fergusson@gotalk.net.au0427 573 565PO Box 610SMITHTON7330YesFLORUSSEMarkBFP - 1111, 2, 3AManagerTasman Property Servicesmflorusse@westnet.com.au0418 123 70336 Harpers RoadBONNET HILL7053FOLOJasonBFP - PProvisionalBuilding Surveying TechnicianProtek Building Surveyingjfolo@protekco.com.au 6332 370010 Goodman CourtINVERMAY7248YesGIFFORDSuzieBFP - 1031, 2, 3A, 3B, 3CAssociateGifford Building Designgifford.architecture@skymesh.com.au6266 4617386 Bakers Creek RoadLUCASTON7109YesGOODSELLAndrewBFP - 1041, 2, 3A,3B, 3CPrincipalTown and Country Planning Pty Ltdagoodsell@tcptas.com.au6229 71776/7 John StreetKINGSTON7050YesGREENRebeccaBFP - 1161, 2, 3A, 3BSenior Planning ConsultantPlanning Development Servicesrgreen@planningds.com.au 0400 058 958PO Box 378LAUNCESTON7250YesHARRISONMilesBFP - PProvisionalPrincipal EngineerSEMF Pty Ltdmiles.harrison@semf.com.au0409 790 938162 Macquarie StreetHOBART7000HAYMANMichelleBFP - 1171, 2, 3AEcological ConsultantPractical Ecology Pty Ltdmichelleh@practicalecology.com.au0447 447 587PO Box 321PENGUIN7316YesHAYWOODBruceBFP - 1211, 2, 3AConsultantLand AdviceBruce@landadvice.com.au0419 155 01838 Proctors RoadSANDY BAY7005IHNENJakeBFP - PProvisionalBuilding Services CoordinatorBreak O'Day Counciljake.ihnen@bodc.tas.gov.au6376 7900Georges Bay EsplanadeST HELENS7216JORGENSENEliBFP - PProvisionalOwnerEJGIdirtbuildingdesign@hotmail.com 0408 056 0406 Hilltop PlaceDODGES FERRY7173KING Leon BFP - PProvisionalPrincipalCrown Consulting, Auditing & Training P/Lcrownconaudit@bigpond.com 0419 964 317104 Elizabeth StreetLAUNCESTON7250YesKNIGHTLEYRisdenBFP - 1151, 2, 3ADirectorRJK Consulting Engineers Pty Ltdrjkmail@netspace.net.au 0400 642 469PO Box 128PROSPECT7250YesLIVINGSTONScottBFP - 1051, 2, 3A, 3B, 3CNatural Resource Management ConsultantAK Consultantsscott@AKConsultants.com.au6334 103340 Tamar StreetLAUNCESTON7250YesMCCOULLColinBFP - PProvisionalConsultantcolin.mccoull@gmail.com0400 868 414PO Box 1NEW TOWN7008MCDERMOTTDannyBFP - PProvisionalBuilding ConsultantCastellan Consultingdanny.mcdermott@castellan.com.au6291 2360GPO Box 2030HOBART7001YesMENADUERhysBFP - 1061, 2, 3ABuilding Surveyor Tech.Bushfire Prone Development Solutionsrhmenadue@gmail.com0407 595 31714 Reynolds CourtDYNNYRNE7005MURPHYRossBFP - 1221, 2, 3A, 3B, 3C, 4Building SurveyorCastellan Consulting Pty Ltdross.murphy@castellan.com.au0447 710 152GPO Box 2030HOBART7001YesMURPHYAaronBFP - PProvisionalTechnicianCastellan Consultingaaron.murphy@castellan.com.au6291 2360GPO Box 2030HOBART7001YesNICKERSONJasonBFP - PProvisionalBuilding DesignerPinnacle Drafting & Designjason.alb@bigpond.com0488 235 7864/5 Runway PlaceCAMBRIDGE7170O'CONNORTomBFP - 1071, 2, 3A, 3B, 3CTown PlannerJohnstone McGee & Gandy Pty Ltdtoconnor@jmg.net.au6231 2555117 Harrington StreetHOBART7000YesPOORTENAARCarolynBFP - PProvisionalDirectorPoortenaar Consulting Pty Ltdcarolyn@poortenaarconsulting.com.au6266 470877 Banksia RoadMOUNTAIN RIVER7109RANDAZZOKendraBFP - PProvisionalOwnerKendra Randazzo Building Designkrbd@bigpond.com0498 060 4358 Tenth AvenueDODGES FERRY7173SMEEAdamBFP - 1201, 2, 3APlanning Consultantadam@southernplanning.com.au0404 439 402131 Roslyn AvenueBLACKMANS BAY7052SMITHTammyBFP - PProvisionalConsultantSteven Penton Building Designtammy.smith@skymesh.com.au 6428 6634PO Box 1218DEVONPORT7310YesSTRUGNELLAndrewBFP - PProvisionalOwnerAnother Perspectiveanotherp@me.com6231 4122PO Box 21NEW TOWN7008VAN DEN BERGMarkBFP - 1081, 2, 3A, 3B, 3CPrincipalMRH Environment & Resource Planningmark@mrherp.com.au0407 294 24076 Bennetts RoadMOUNTAIN RIVER7109VAN ZETTENJasonBFP - 1131, 2, 3ADirectorUrban Design Solutionsjason@urbantas.com.au 0413 552 643262 York StreetLAUNCESTON7250YesVON KRUSENSTIERNAAxelBFP - 1001, 2, 3A, 3B, 3CPrincipalAVK Environmental Managementavkem@optusnet.com.au0412 141 955553 Dorans RoadSANDFORD7020YesWALTERSSamBFP - PProvisionalGeotechnicianAldanmark Consulting EngineersSWalters@aldanmark.com.au 0438 559 37165 Murray StreetHOBART7000WARRENShaneBFP - PProvisionalPlanning Co-ordinatorDevonport City Councilswarren@devonport.tas.gov.au6424 053744-48 Best StreetDEVONPORT7310WELLINGAndrewBFP - PProvisionalPrincipal EcologistWelling Consultantsawelling@bigpond.net.au0400 151 205434 Van Morey RoadMARGATE7054WESTCOTTMichaelBFP - PProvisionalOwnerHobart Building Assessment Servicesmick.westcott@bigpond.com0407 796 978583 Nelson RoadMT NELSON7007YesWILLIAMSGaryBFP - 1091, 2, 3ABuilding DesignerG.J Williams Drafting Servicegjwdrafting@westnet.com.au0428 396 159995 Pelverata RoadPELVERATA7150WILSONWayneBFP - 1101, 2, 3ABuildng SurveyorMaraway Building Services Pty Ltdadmin@maraway.com.au0487 343 3107 Marlborough StreetLONGFORD7301YesWOODJamieBFP - 1191, 2, 3A, 3BPrincipal ConsultantSEAM (Environmental Health Services (Tas) P/L)james.wood@seam.com.au6228 1600PO Box 2064LOWER SANDY BAY7005YesBUSHFIRE HAZARD PRACTITIONERS3A. Certify a Bushfire Hazard Management Plan meets the Acceptable Solutions for Buildings or Extensions (Clauses E1.5, E1.6.2, E1.6.3, E1.6.4 and E1.6.5 of the Bushfire-Prone Areas Code)3B. Certify a Bushfire Hazard Management Plan meets the Acceptable Solutions for small subdivisions (less than 10 lots or a single stage) (Clause E1.6.1 of the Bushfire-Prone Areas Code)3C. Certify a Bushfire Hazard Management Plan meets the Acceptable Solutions for large subdivisions (minimum of 10 lots or multiple stages) (Clause E1.6.1 of the Bushfire-Prone Areas Code)Practitioners who are regarded as either Provisionally Accredited or who have been accredited who undertake assessments.BFP – P = Provisionally Accredited for all workACCREDITED SCOPE OF WORK1.Certify a Bushfire Attack Level Assessment for Building Work2.Certify an Exemption from a Bushfire Hazard Management Plan (Clause E1.4 of the Bushfire–Prone Areas Code)4. Certify a Bushfire Hazard Management Plan meets the Performance Criteria (Clauses E1.5 & E1.6 of the Bushfire-Prone Areas Code)LAST UPDATED: 19/02/2014

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