Please complete the following work from the chapters listed below in your textbook. Show detailed work in your submittal and create this in Microsoft Word, Excel, or Project (Time New Roman or Arial, font 11 or 12) document(s) as required; draw any diagrams and/or cut-and-paste screen captures into ONE Microsoft Word document by the due date listed in the Course Schedule (read the Course Syllabus regarding Late Submittals; penalties apply).
Use your textbook, lecture notes, Powerpoints and chat discussions from the appropriate Unit/Chapter to complete this assignment:
Chapter 5
Discussion Questions (DQ)
1. Create a Work Breakdown Structure for a term paper project or another school-related project you are working on. What are the steps in the WBS? Can you identify any sub-steps for each step?
Internet Exercise
2. Access . Analyzing the comprehensive Scope Statement for the data warehousing project, what problem is this project seeking to address? what is the proposed solutions?
MS Project Exercise (Project Outline - Remodeling an Appliance)
3. Using the information provided below, construct a simple WBS table for the project example.
Project Outline— Remodeling an Appliance
I Research Phase
II Design and Engineering Phase
III Testing Phase
IV Manufacturing Phase
V Sales Phase
I Research Phase
A. Prepare product development proposal
1. Conduct competitive analysis
2. Review field sales reports
3. Conduct technological capabilities assessment
B. Develop focus group data
C. Conduct telephone surveys
D. Identify relevant specification improvements
II Design and Engineering Phase
A. Interface with marketing staff
B. and so on
III Testing Phase
IV Manufacturing Phase
V Sales Phase