Point Loma Nazarene University's Community Living Agreement is designed to create a community in which the university provides an atmosphere of academic excellence and spiritual growth while students commit themselves to a certain lifestyle.
In 150 to 250 words, please reflect on the values and challenges of entering into this agreement as a college student. Please read the Agreement attached carefully before answering.
community living agreement
Please read carefully, consider this agreement, and keep a copy.
The purpose of this agreement is to ensure that you are in agreement with who we are and what we expect from all members of our campus community. Our fundamental community expectation is that each member strives to embrace and daily live out the characteristics and virtues of Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.
our mission to teach, shape, and send Point Loma Nazarene University exists to provide higher education in a vital Christian community where minds are engaged and challenged, character is modeled and formed, and service becomes an expression of faith. Being of Wesleyan heritage, we aspire to be a learning community where grace is foundational, truth is pursued, and holiness is a way of life.
spiritual life and accountability The community of PLNU provides opportunities in which students can grow in their walk with Jesus Christ. One way is through mandatory attendance of chapel services held three times a week. The campus comes together to worship the Lord and learn from His Word. We also require students to complete three religion courses as part of the overall general education requirements. There are numerous other avenues in which maturing in our faith and accountability occurs, such as covenant groups, Bible study groups, compassionate ministries, and overseas mission trips. It is entirely up to students as to which of these optional opportunities they may choose. We strongly encourage students to be involved in a local church, where they can become part of the worship and fellowship.
academic integrity We are commanded to love God with our mind, so study and preparation are acts of worship that demand our very best. This means attending all class sessions and completing assignments on time, showing respect for the thoughts and feelings of fellow students, and extending common courtesy to faculty and staff members. Any act of academic dishonesty, including cheating or plagiarism, is unacceptable at Point Loma because it violates our shared values as a Christian community and the fundamental search for truth common to all of higher education. Such acts will lead to dismissal.
community participation We affirm the value of living in a purposeful covenant community based on Christian principles. We commit to respecting others as we together build a community that is caring, supporting, and just. We value personal responsibility demonstrated while living within a common behavioral covenant (contract).
Those applying to become PLNU students agree to abstain from the use of alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, and tobacco in any form and to avoid all sexual immorality, including premarital or extramarital sexual relations or pornography in any form. As members of the PLNU community, they agree to refrain from using any profane language, to use good judgment when choosing entertainment and the way free time is spent, and to abstain from any act toward another person or thing that is violent, inappropriate, discriminatory, or degrading.
The principles of this agreement become a binding contract between students and the university administration by signing the Application for Admission.
Office of Admissions 3900 Lomaland Drive San Diego, CA 92106