BUSI 3334 Practice Role Play: The Moose Poop Salesperson The Scenario: You are a novelty salesperson selling novelty items to gift and joke/novelty stores. For your this role play assume that you are selling Moose Poop products (your choice of which ones) to a gift shop in one of Halifax’s premiere hotels. You can also assume that this is a current client who has been buying touristtype novelties from you for years (but not Moose Poop, which is a new product line for your firm). What you need to do: 1) Check to see who your sales team is for this role play. Be prepared to sell to one of them (the buyer) while the third other person observes and evaluates the role play. You will go through three role plays in during class, with each person acting as a salesperson, a buyer, and an observer/evaluator. 2) Prepare a sales approach for any of the products featured at the links below. You may sell one, or any combination of Moose Poop offerings. Follow the links for each to go to the website for the actual product. You can download product information and ideas from the site to make up your selling portfolio for this role play. If you use information from the web or elsewhere, be sure to cite it. 3) Review Module 2 to structure your sales presentation. Determine how to offer evidence, handle objections, fuel interest, and close the sale. Plan to use these skills in your role play. 4) Create a sales portfolio as described in Module 2. Bring the sales portfolio to class for use during your presentation. 5) Make sure you have each of the evaluation forms (Seller, Buyer, Observer/Evaluator) from Moodle. You will need to complete all three during the role play for submission at the end of class. 6) Come to class and spend 10 minutes doing a sales pitch to the buyer in your role play while the observer watches. Then each of you should fill in the form for your role during that role play (seller, buyer, evaluator/observer). After each of you have done all three roles (you have all been sellers, buyers, and observers) we will have a brief discussion about the role play experience. Moose Poop Links: Pooping Moose Candy Dispensers: http://www.amazon.com/Super-Dooper-Reindeer-Pooper-Dispenser/dp/B001L27H84 Moose Poop Jewelry: