SCIN130 Lab 6: The Origin of Corn SCIN 130 Lab 6: The Origin of Corn General Instructions Be sure to read the general instructions from the Lessons portion of the class prior to completing this packet. Remember, you are to upload this packet with your quiz for the week! Background Ten thousand years ago, corn didn’t exist anywhere in the world, and until recently scientists argued vehemently about its origins. Today the crop is consumed voraciously by us, by our livestock, and as a major part of processed foods. So where did it come from? Popped Secret: The Mysterious Origin of Corn tells the story of the genetic changes involved in the transformation of a wild grass called teosinte into corn. V1 04.2018 Jones Page 1 of 5 SCIN130 Lab 6: The Origin of Corn Specific Lab Instructions Name: Clorissa Jones Date: 07Jul20 Go to: The Mysterious Origin of Corn from HHMI Biointeractive Watch the short film, and answer these questions as you progress. 1. What was the purpose of domestication in ancient civilizations? 2. What TWO features made Dr. Beadle believe that teosinte was an ancestor of modern maize? 1. 2. 3. Stop the film at the 6:55 and answer the following: a. Answer the Let’s Review Questions. Embed a screenshot of your answer to question 1 in this packet: Question 1: b. Why did botanists expect the wild relative of maize to look similar to modern maize? V1 04.2018 Jones Page 2 of 5 SCIN130 Lab 6: The Origin of Corn c. Why did Dr. Beadle use so many plants in his experiments? Would his data have been as meaningful if he had grown only 1,000 plants? Why or why not? d. How many genes did Dr. Beadle deduce were involved in the changes between maize and teosinte? 4. Resume the film. Near what river did Dr. Doebley discover that all modern maize varieties originate? 5. What type of evidence left behind on the plant grinding tools was Dr. Piperno looking for to show the presence of maize? 6. Stop again at 12:10 and answer the following a. How did archaeological evidence support the molecular evidence for the timing and geographic location of maize domestication? b. Based on the quiz in the video, Dr. Doebley and his team compared the DNA sequence of maize to that of a number of teosinte varieties from throughout Mexico. What did their analysis reveal? Select all that apply.