The idea is to read a schedule from the user and to test it if it is conflict serializable or not and to draw its precedence graph
in a simple manner ( T1---->T3------>T2 or T1---->T3------>T1 etc...).
I need a simple program in Java without interfaces(GUI).
SC383 Programming Project
C o n fl i c t S e r i a l i z a b i l i t y i n
T r a n s a c t i o n s .
College of Computer and Information Sciences
King Saud University
S p r i n g 2 0 1 8
1 Introduction
A transaction, in the context of a database, is a logical unit that is independently executed for data retrieval or updates. In
relational databases, database transactions must be atomic, consistent, isolated and durable--summarized as the ACID
acronym. Two schedules are conflict-equivalent if one can be reached from the other through a series of swaps of adjacent
operations, where no swap falls into one of the following patterns:
the operations are by the same transaction
the operations use the same database element, and at least one is a write
A schedule is conflict-serializable if it is conflict-equivalent to some serial schedule.
Your goal in this project is to implement a Conflict Serializable Checker with two basic operations: test for conflict
Serializability and draw a simple precedence graph. Your program should be linked with a main program in-order to test
its functionality. Note: you should choose the appropriate data structure for the program.
2 Requirements In this project you are required to implement a Conflict Serializable Checker to fulfill the
following requirements:
1. Read the size of the schedule from the user.
2. The program takes a schedule from the user in this form: : "r1x", "r2z", "r1z", "r3y",
The first instruction “r1x” means: r = read, 1 = the transaction, x is the element
Let x be an arbitrary instruction, then:
x[0]: can take the form of r (read) or w (write) to set the operation
x[1]: can take the form of 1,2,3,...,n to set the transaction
x[2]: can take the form of a,b,c,...,z to set the element
3. Test for conflict Serializability.
4. Draw a simple precedence graph
3 Deliverable and Rules
The submission deadline is 07/05/2018 at 12:00 PM before the final Exam, you
should deliver:
1. A report written.
2. T h e Source code on a CD.
You have to read and follow the following rules:
1. This assignment is to be conducted by groups of exactly three students.
2. The students can implement their own data structures; use Java collections, or
any other library to achieve assignment’s requirements.
3. Every group member should participate in all parts of the assignment: de-
signing, programming, and writing the program and report. Members of the same
group may receive different marks according to their participation in the work.
4. The submitted program will be evaluated in a demonstration which all the group
members should attend.
5. Any member of the group who fails to attend the demonstration without a
proper excuse shall receive 0 in the demo mark.
6. In accordance with the university regulation, cheating in the project will be
penalized by the mark 0 in the project.
4 Appendix 1. Create a schedule: String[] schedule = {"r1x", "r2z", "r1z", "r3y", "r3y", "w1x", "w3y",
"r2y", "w2z", "w2y"};
2. Create an instance of Schedule: Schedule obj = new Schedule(schedule);
3. Can call one of three methods: o obj.getSchedule(): returns the schedule
o obj.precedenceGraph(): returns a graphical representation of the precedence graph
o obj.conflictSerializable(): returns information on the schedule
Input: String[] schedule = {"r1x", "r2z", "r1z", "r3y", "r3y", "w1x", "w3y", "r2y", "w2z", "w2y"};
Schedule obj = new Schedule(schedule);
Output: //getSchedule()
r1x, r2z, r1z, r3y, r3y, w1x, w3y, r2y, w2z, w2y,
3 -> 2
1 -> 2
Is Schedule Conflict-Serializable: True, Schedule is acyclic, thus it's conflict serializable.