The final project for this course is the development of a strategic marketing plan based on a new product or service supplied by an existing corporation. The overall goal of the strategic plan is to successfully bring the product from concept to market, based on research and analysis. The project is broken down into milestones that will help guide the student through the distinct components of the plan, which will be utilized within the final project. The final project is divided into nine milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. There is one milestone due in each of the first nine modules. The final project is due in Module Ten. The company choice, as well as the type of product or service, requires instructor approval. Your overall goal is the creation of a strategic plan to successfully bring your product from concept to market, based on research and analysis. The project is broken down into milestones that will help guide you through distinct components of the plan, which will be used in the final project. The components of this project will be addressed in milestones spread throughout the course, allowing for practice and feedback before incorporation. These milestones include choice and research of a corporation, along with determination of suggested new product; analysis of the business mission statement; SWOT analysis; development of marketing objectives; development of a marketing strategy; and determination of an appropriate implementation, evaluation, and control program. The final submission incorporates all components into a strategic marketing plan. In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes: MKT-500-01: Analyze qualitative and quantitative consumer data for use in determining appropriate marketing techniques that align with an organization’s strategic focus, culture, and current business processes MKT-500-02: Recommend product, price, promotional, and distribution strategies for a pre-defined target market through organizational marketing plans MKT-500-03: Maximize internal and external opportunities through the integration of marketing concepts, theories, and models MKT-500-04: Develop effective marketing strategies that address commercial, legal, and cultural aspects in global business environments MKT-500-05: Analyze marketing practices for compliance with legal systems, regulatory standards, and ethical practices Prompt Specifically, your marketing plan should contain an in-depth analysis that addresses the following critical elements: I. Business Mission Statement – For an effective and focused mission statement, market environment and consumer data should be properly analyzed.