Case Study Q&A?
Case Study 2 Questions
1. How does the concept of product life cycle apply to Regal Marine products?
2. What strategy does Regal use to stay competitive?
3. What are the likely benefits of the CAD technology?
Each Case Study paper is to consist of the following components:
1. Title page and two written pages with no more than 500 words.
2. Answers to individual questions (as assigned) Each assignment will have specific questions you need to address. You should create a sub headed section for each one.
3. References/Appendix (if required) These are not research papers per se, so you may not have the need to cite outside sources. If you do, however, they should be identified on a proper reference page. Similarly, if you are required to do calculations and choose to perform them on a separate page, you should include them in an appendix.
Weekly Case Paper Grading Rubric
· Required questions are answered in an accurate and appropriate manner.
· Adequate support is given for recommendations.
· Calculations (where required) are performed correctly
Grammar and Spelling
· Paper is well written and reflects college level writing.
· Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed and spelling is correct.
· Sentences are written in a complete, concise manner, and sentence transitions maintain the flow of thought throughout the paper.
Formatting and APA Usage
· Paper includes the components required for the assignment: title page, answers to questions, references or appendix (where appropriate).
· APA format is followed throughout the paper.
Product Design at Regal Marine
With hundreds of competitors in the boat business, Regal Marine must work to differentiate itself from the flock. As we saw in the Global Company Profile that opened this chapter, Regal continuously introduces innovative, high-quality new boats. Its differentiation strategy is reflected in a product line consisting of 22 models.
To maintain this stream of innovation, and with so many boats at varying stages of their life cycles, Regal constantly seeks design input from customers, dealers, and consultants. Design ideas rapidly find themselves in the styling studio, where they are placed onto CAD machines in order to speed the development process. Existing boat designs are always evolving as the company tries to stay stylish and competitive. Moreover, with life cycles as short as 3 years, a steady stream of new products is required. A few years ago, the new product was the three-passenger $11,000 Rush, a small but powerful boat capable of pulling a water-skier. This was followed with a 20-foot inboard–outboard performance boat with so many innovations that it won prize after prize in the industry. Another new boat is a redesigned 52-foot sports yacht that sleeps six in luxury staterooms. With all these models and innovations, Regal designers and production personnel are under pressure to respond quickly.
By getting key suppliers on board early and urging them to participate at the design stage, Regal improves both innovations and quality while speeding product development. Regal finds that the sooner it brings suppliers on board, the faster it can bring new boats to the market. After a development stage that constitutes concept and styling, CAD designs yield product specifications. The first stage in actual production is the creation of the “plug,” a foam-based carving used to make the molds for fiberglass hulls and decks. Specifications from the CAD system drive the carving process. Once the plug is carved, the permanent molds for each new hull and deck design are formed. Molds take about 4 to 8 weeks to make and are all hand-made. Similar molds are made for many of the other features in Regal boats—from galley and stateroom components to lavatories and steps. Finished molds can be joined and used to make thousands of boats.
Discussion Questions*
1. How does the concept of product life cycle apply to Regal Marine products?
2. What strategy does Regal use to stay competitive?
3. What are the likely benefits of the CAD design technology?