Complete the two tasks:
Project 6-6: Don Funk Music Video – Costs Per Use
You need to update the Don Funk Music Video project schedule to refl ect several resources
that have a cost associated with each use.
OPEN Don Funk Music Video 6-6 from the data fi les for this lesson.
1. Enter the following cost per use information for the specifi ed resources:
• the musicians have a $100 travel and set-up/breakdown fee each time they are used
• the sound editing studio has a $50 cleaning fee per use, payable at the end of
the session
• the video editing studio has a $50 cleaning fee per use, payable at the end of
the session
2. SAVE the project schedule as Don Funk Cost Per Use and then CLOSE the fi le.
CLOSE Project.
Project 5-6: Removing, Adding, and Changing Deadlines
You have just finished reviewing the Don Funk Music Video project schedule and have
decided to make some changes and additions to the deadlines on this project.
OPEN Don Funk Music Video 5-6 from the data fi les for this lesson.
1. Remove the deadline for task 9.
2. Change the deadline for task 62 to July 8, 2016.
3. Add a deadline of May 27, 2016 for task 37.
4. SAVE the project schedule as Don Funk Revised Deadlines , and then CLOSE the fi le.
CLOSE Project.