Overall, have your views on energy industry changed, remained the same, or remained the same but with a broader understanding?
Prior to this class, I had very little working knowledge of how energy can be produced from different sources so learning the mechanics behind power generation for nuclear, natural gas, and coal was eye opening. I especially enjoyed learning more about renewable energies and it sparked an interest into how some could be incorporated into more rural locations.
Which assignment or discussion offered the most value and why?
For me, the Smart Grid discussion was the most insightful because I to research different aspects of smart grid implementation like interoperability and cyber security. I know for my family that lives on the Navajo Nation reservation in Arizona, consistent power can sometimes be a challenge and while they are adaptive and can function without electricity if needed, I think that having a smart grid would be very helpful for them.
Did the assignment or discussion change or confirm your views on energy industry? Please describe.
I didn't have any real background knowledge about our electrical grid so it was all new information for me. Knowing a little more about it now, I understand why it is essential that we modernize this outdated system and also that we need to approach it carefully from a cyber security standpoint.
Based on your views, what is the single most important thing that we could do to help achieve energy and environmental sustainability and why?
I think the most important thing we can do is be informed, though I understand that people generally aren't going to research renewable energies in their spare time. I think money should go towards outreach and promotional materials that can be distributed to schools and places of work, especially in areas where a specific energy source is available. Arizona and Georgia have high potentials for solar energy, for example, and I think that materials should be provided to consumers about solar energy use, its affordability, and return on investment.