For completion, Assignment #4 must include the following:
For this assignment, you will be writing a piece of your choosing that integrates multiple sources and incorporates various perspectives on a Discourse Community of your choosing. You are expected to closely examine the community within a frame of your choosing. Some frames you may choose are:
How does the membership in a discourse community shift over time? What are the qualities of these shifts? What makes them occur?
How is the discourse about something different across different communities?
How does a discourse community create tests or gates for potential members? What are the differences between apprentices and experts in the community? Is the community exclusive or inclusive to potential members?
How is a discourse community representing values and beliefs through discourse?
How might a person experience tensions between memberships in two different secondary discourses?
Both quotations and paraphrased information with correct citations
At least 1700 words of academic writing
Analysis of your research
A Discussion of one of the frames listed above as it pertains to your research