For this DB we’re going to explore the Index of External Causes of Injuries. Who can find the oddest code? You should find, list and explain at least 5 different External Cause codes. They should be odd enough that you want to scratch your head and say, “How did they come up with that one?” Let’s have some fun with this--What will be your “Code of the Week?”
Participation Expectations: Please engage on this topic throughout the unit by posting one main response. Your main post to the discussion should contain at least 150 words, with no more than 10% quoting, and cite any sources used on a reference list following APA format.
HS230: Health Care Administration
Topic #2: Pharmaceutical Marketing to Physicians
Do you believe it is ethical for pharmaceutical companies to market to Physicians? Why or why not?
Participation Expectations: Please engage on this topic throughout the unit by posting one main response. Your main post to the discussion should contain at least 150 words, with no more than 10% quoting, and cite any sources used on a reference list following APA format.