Answer each question below; they are worth 3 points each (6 points total). Each answer should be about 4-5 sentences long (one paragraph). To earn full credit, each answer must draw on relevant information presented in the chapter. You can and should reference any relevant statistics presented in the reading. Other than those statistics, put everything into your own words - do not quote the textbook.
Remember, this assignment serves to build your reading comprehension of the assigned texts; vague and/or personal anecdotes don't earn credit.
Du Bois "Environment of the Negro" from The Philadelphia Negro, 1899
1) Discuss two of Du Bois's key empirical findings in this study that show how race shaped conditions in Philadelphia's 7th Ward. Be sure to reference specific findings from the reading; avoid cliches and over-generalizations.
2) How did the spatial conditions of the 7th Ward both reflect and reinforce the social conditions of African Americans in the US at the turn of the 20th century?