I’m studying and need help with a History question to help me learn.
For your initial post, organize your revised research questions, current thesis statement, and an outline or checklist of your plan for conducting further research on your topic into a new discussion post. In a few paragraphs, discuss what relevant sources you have identified and the process for accessing those sources.HIS 100 THEME 1 PROJECT 1: TOPIC EXPLORATION WORKSHEET Part 1 Select a research topic area for Project 1 based on which of the following areas interests you the most. You will explore the selected topic a little later in this theme. Mark your selection in the right-hand column. Drafting of the U.S. Constitution x Mao Zedong’s Rule Over China South African Apartheid Choose Your Own Topic (insert pre-approved topic here) In the space below, write a short paragraph about what you already knew about the topic you selected prior to this course, based on your personal history or experiences. This may include assumptions, beliefs, or values related to the topic. Be as detailed as possible. While there is a lot of information about the drafting of the U.S Constitution, I know little about the timeline through which the documents went through the drafting and ratification process. I, however, believe that the process was complex and marred with conflicts of interests that made it a very lengthy exercise for the United States. Even though history reveals that the process began on May 25th, 1787 through a constitutional convention in Pennsylvania, the contentious articles of the Confederation that prolonged the exercise are not clearly outlined. Also, the ratification of the U.S Constitution began immediately after the convention and ended in 29th May 1790 with Rhode Island being the last state to ratify it. I am aware that the timeline for the drafting of U.S Constitution took approximately 5 years and 9 months, though there is no clarification on the key events that influenced the convening of the Constitutional Convention and afterward. When I visited the U.s History library, I noticed that important events took place during the run-up to the convention and transition from the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution. The greatest event that shaped the drafting of U.S Constitution is the unique ratification vote of Vermont. HIS 100 THEME 1 PROJECT 1: TOPIC EXPLORATION WORKSHEET Part 2 Now that you have identified your topic and described what you already know about the topic, what questions do you still have about the topic that you would like to know? Place your answers in the right-hand column. Identify one question about the topic that you are curious about. Describe why this question matters to you personally. Describe why this question matters to society. Identify a second question about the topic you are curious about. How did the Constitutional Convention at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania consider the conflicting interests of all the states during the drafting of the