EDS 1021 Week 6 Interactive Assignment
Radiometric Dating
Objective: Using a simulated practical application, explore the concepts of radioactive decay and the half-life of
radioactive elements, and then apply the concept of radiometric dating to estimate the age of various objects.
Background: Review the topics Half-Life, Radiometric Dating, and Decay Chains in Chapter 12 of The Sciences.
1. PRINT a hard copy of this entire document, so that the experiment instructions may be easily referred to,
and the data tables and questions (on the last three pages) can be completed as a rough draft.
2. Download the Radiometric Dating Game Answer Sheet from the course website. Transfer your data
values and question answers from the completed rough draft to the answer sheet. Be sure to put your
NAME on the answer sheet where indicated. Save your completed answer sheet on your computer.
3. SUBMIT ONLY the completed answer sheet, by uploading your file to the digital drop box for the
Introduction to the Simulation
1. After reviewing the background information for this assignment, go to the website for the interactive
simulation “Radioactive Dating Game” at http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/radioactive-dating-game.
Click on DOWNLOAD to run the simulation locally on your computer.
2. Software Requirements: You must have the latest version of Java software (free) loaded on your computer
to run the simulation. If you do not or are not sure if you have the latest version, go to
http://www.java.com/en/download/index.jsp .
3. Explore and experiment on the 4 different “tabs” (areas) of the simulation. While playing around, think about
how the concepts of radioactive decay are being illustrated in the simulation.
Half Life Tab – observe a sample of radioactive atoms decaying - Carbon-14, Uranium-238, or ? (a custom-
made radioactive atom). Clicking on the “add 10” button adds 10 atoms at a time to the “decay area”. There
are a total of 100 atoms in the bucket, so clicking the “add 10” button 10 times will empty the bucket into the
decay area. Observe the pie chart and time graph as atoms decay. You can PAUSE, STEP (buttons at the
bottom of the screen) the simulation in time as atoms are decaying, and RESET the simulation.
Decay Rates Tab – Similar to the half-life tab, but different! Atom choices are carbon-14 and uranium-238.
The bucket has a total of 1000 atoms. Drag the slide bar on the bucket to the right to increase the number
of atoms added to the decay area. Observe the pie chart and time graph as atoms decay. Note that the
graph for the Decay Rates tab provides different information than the graph for the Half Life tab. You can
PAUSE, STEP (buttons at the bottom of the screen) the simulation in time as atoms are decaying, and
RESET the simulation.
Measurement Tab – Use a probe to virtually measure radioactive decay within an object - a tree or a
volcanic rock. The probe can be set to detect either the decay of carbon-14 atoms, or the decay of uranium-
238 atoms. Follow prompts on the screen to run a simulation of a tree growing and dying, or of a volcano
erupting and creating a rock, and then measuring the decay of atoms within each object.
Dating Game Tab – Use a probe to virtually measure the percentage of radioactive atoms remaining within
various objects and, knowing the half-life of radioactive elements being detected, estimate the ages of
objects. The probe can be set to either detect carbon-14, uranium-238, or other “mystery” elements, as
appropriate for determining the age of the object. Drag the probe over an object, select which element to
measure, and then slide the arrow on the graph to match the percentage of atoms measured by the probe.
The time (t) shown for the matching percentage can then be entered as the estimate in years of the object’s
After playing around with the simulation, conduct the following four (4) short experiments. As you conduct
the experiments and collect data, fill in the data tables and answer the questions on the last three pages of
this document.
Experiment 1: Half Life
1. Click on the Half Life tab at the top of the simulation screen.
2. Procedure:
Part I - Carbon-14
a. Click the blue “Pause” button at the bottom of the screen (i.e., set it so that it shows the “play” arrow). Click the “Add 10” button below the “Bucket o’ Atoms” repeatedly, until there are no more atoms left in the bucket. There are now 100 carbon-14 atoms in the decay area.
b. The half-life of carbon-14 is about 5700 years. Based on the definition of half-life, if you left these 100 carbon-14 atoms to sit around for 5700 years, what is your prediction of how many carbon-14 atoms will decay into the stable element nitrogen-14 during that time? Write your prediction in the “prediction” column for the row labeled “carbon-14”, in data table 1.
c. Click the blue “Play” arrow at the bottom of the screen. As the simulation runs, carefully observe what is happening to the carbon-14 atoms in the decay area, and the graphs at the top of the screen (both the pie chart and the time graph). Once all atoms have decayed into the stable isotope nitrogen-14, click the blue “Pause” button at the bottom of the screen (i.e., set it so that it shows the “play” arrow), and “Reset All Nuclei” button in the decay area.
d. Repeat step c. until you have a good idea of what is going on in this simulation. e. Repeat step c. again, but this time, watch the graph at the top of the window carefully, and click
“pause” when TIME reaches 5700 years (when the carbon-14 atom moving across the graph reaches
the red dashed line labeled HALF LIFE on the TIME graph). f. If you do NOT pause the simulation on or very close to the red dashed line, click the “Reset All Nuclei”
button and repeat step e. g. Once you have paused the simulation in the correct spot, look at the pie graph and determine the
number of nuclei that have decayed into nitrogen-14 at Time = HALF LIFE. Write this number in data table 1, in the row labeled “carbon-14”, under “trial 1”.
h. Click the “Reset All Nuclei” button in the decay area. i. Repeat steps e through h for two more trials. For each trial, write down in data table 1, the number of
nuclei that have decayed into nitrogen-14 at Time = HALF LIFE, in the row labeled “carbon-14”, under “trial 2” and “trial 3” respectively.
Part II – Uranium-238
a. Click “reset all” on the right side of the screen in the Decay Isotope box, and click “yes” in the box that pops up. Click on the radio button for uranium-238 in the Decay Isotope box. Click the blue “Pause”
button at the bottom of the screen (i.e., set it so that it shows the “play” arrow). Click the “Add 10” button below the “Bucket o’ Atoms” repeatedly, until there are no more atoms left in the bucket. There are now 100 uranium-238 atoms in the decay area.
b. The half-life of uranium-238 is 4.5 billion years!* Based on the definition of half-life, if you left these 100 uranium-238 atoms to sit around for 4.5 billion years, what is your prediction of how many uranium atoms will decay into lead-206 during that time? Write your prediction in the “prediction” column for the second row, labeled “uranium-238”, in data table 1.
c. Click the “Play” button at the bottom of the window. Watch the graph at the top of the window carefully, and click “pause” when the time reaches 4.5 billion years (when the uranium-238 atom
moving across the graph reaches the red dashed line labeled HALF LIFE on the time graph). d. If you don’t pause the simulation on or very close to the red line, click the “Reset All Nuclei” button and
repeat step c. e. Once you have paused the simulation in the correct spot, look at the pie graph and determine the
number of nuclei that have decayed into lead-206 at Time = HALF LIFE. Write this number in data table 1, in the row labeled “uranium-238”, under “trial 1”.
f. Click the “Reset All Nuclei” button in the decay area. g. Repeat steps c through e for two more trials. For each trial, write down in data table 1, the number of
nuclei that have decayed into lead-206 at Time = HALF LIFE, in the row labeled “uranium-238”, under “trial 2” and “trial 3” respectively.
3. Calculate the average number of atoms that decayed for all three trials of carbon-14 decay. Do the same for
all three trials uranium-238 decay. Write the average values for each element under “averages”, the last
column in data table 1.
4. Answer the five (5) questions for Experiment 1 on the Questions page. * Unlike Carbon-14, which undergoes only one radioactive decay to reach the stable nitrogen-14, uranium-238 undergoes MANY decays into many intermediate unstable elements before
finally getting to the stable element lead-206 (see the decay chain for uranium-238 in chapter 12 for details).
Experiment 2: Decay Rates
1. Set Up: Click on the Decay Rates tab at the top of the simulation screen.
2. Procedure
Part I – Carbon-14
a. In the Choose Isotope area on the right side of the screen, click the button next to carbon-14. Recall
that carbon-14 has a half-life of about 5700 years. b. Drag the slide bar on the bucket of atoms all the way to the right. This will put 1,000 radioactive atoms
into the decay area. When you let go of the slide bar, the simulation will start right away. If you missed seeing the simulation run from the start, start it over again by clicking “Reset All Nuclei”, and keep your eyes on the screen. Watch the graph at the bottom of the screen as you allow the simulation to run until all atoms have decayed.