ect one essay in the textbook and comment on whether or not the author presents an effective argument. If you do not have a textbook, please refer to the list of readings posted in the course and select one of those articles (these are the articles that were used for class discussion postings).
In your response you will need to identify the title of the essay and author. Take time to explain how and why you believe the author does/does not present an effective argument. In your response you should not summarize or retell the essay. Include at least one short quote from the work as supportive evidence for your ideas. The response should be about 200 words and include both in-text citations and a works cited entry.
Please remember that a reader response is a type of literary criticism. Do not try to discuss all the aspects of the literary work. Use evidence from the work to support your ideas and establish a clear connection between those ideas and the work itself. This assignment will help prepare you for the critical analysis essay.