Social Learning Theory related to criminal justice theories and write a 5-6-page research paper. The paper should be double-spaced, 12 points and Times New Roman in font. Your research paper should include the following:
An introduction: (1-2 paragraphs)
Research question: Write one to two research questions that you would like to explore in your research.
Literature review (at least 4 pages): Find at least five peer-reviewed articles and paraphrase important conclusions of these articles related to your research question. Make sure to cite them all using the APA style.
Conclusion: In this section summarize the important points that you found in your research.
Note: DO NOT use direct quotes whatsoever, only paraphrase.
While your paper must have a scholarly tone (e.g. using appropriate grammar and a college-level vocabulary, not using contractions or the first-person or the second person), it should consist mainly of your own original ideas and thoughts. Use the APA style for references.
The focus will be on integrating in your own language the literature available on the topic of your choice. Make sure the articles are peer-reviewed or scholarly articles and not book reviews, book review essays, newspaper articles, or descriptive pieces found on the Internet.
Submit through Turnitin or SafeAssign several times before the due date to check for plagiarism. The originality report should contain less than 20% matching.